Day 16: During Their Morning Ritual(s)

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You pout a little when Karkat wiggles out of your arms and onto the floor. You curl up further into the sopor, sleepily watching him head to the ablution chambers. You end up falling back asleep with a little purr, exhaustion still not over yet. You snore softly, enjoying your time on Derse and Prospit. You kept switching back and forth and it was really fun actually. Eridan was on Derse with you and you kept fucking with him by disappearing and reappearing. This was going to never stop being amusing.

You blink awake when you feel someone shaking you gently. You groan and curl up even further, hoping that would make them leave. You even wiggle unhappily and close your eyes again. But, no, they just keep going.

"Sollux," Karkat frowns, "wake up."

"Mmhn, KK." Your eyes stay shut and he mutters that you're whining. You open your eyes to glare at him a little because you do not whine. You tell him that and he pokes your stomach.

"Yes, you do this every single morning, now get up. I made food." You huff and kick your legs around like a wriggler before getting up finally. You shuffle to the ablution trap. You rinse off the sopor and mess around with your hair because deciding that it's fine how it is. You grab some sweatpants, not bothering with underwear or a shirt. He looks at you and smiles briefly.

"You're finally fucking up." He says and continues drinking whatever it is he made for himself. You poke at the food on the table before sitting on the table before starting to eat.

"Get off the table."

"Thhuthth, no."

"Don't shush me." He smirks playfully and you grin.

"Yeth. Tho, thhuthh." You smirk and he walks over to you, poking you.

"No. You shush." He kisses your cheek and you purr a little, blushing slightly. After brief cuddling and being cute with each other, Karkat smiles.



"You'd ever realize we do this same thing every fucking morning?"

"Thhuthh, no. Don't mention it. You'll make me think and it'th too early for thinking."

"You're right," he nods, "now come on, we have shit to do."

You wiggle off the table, going with him to fully get dressed. You hated this part of the day, but Karkat kind of made it better. You were going to the market once again because you were running out of things to eat. You hated going to the market because Karkat always took forever.

Hopefully, this time he would remember to actually talk to you, like he promised.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Sollux and Karkat are so cute and simple. - Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now