Day 25: Gazing Into Each Other's Eyes

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"Hey, Carlos," Cecil looks at you and when you look at him, he kisses you. He immediately pulls back and he just looks into your eyes, making you blush. You look into his eyes also, admiring the purple. You notice the flecks of black mixed in with it and it was beautiful. You see Cecil smile without breaking eye contact and you giggle softly. He leans back a little, giggling softly also.

"Your eyes are beautiful, Cecil." You smile and he blushes deeply, purple coming over his cheeks. He looked so cute when he blushes and you always loved complimenting him just to see him get all shy and start to blush.

"Your eyes are a lot better than mine. I'm pretty sure you're the only one here with a normal eye color." Cecil giggles softly, admiring the brown color of your eyes, and you notice that he's probably right. Here in Night Vale, you've seen red, lime green, and Erika-the angels-have yellow eyes, according to Old Woman Josie. So, you hum in agreement.

"My eyes are plain. I love the colors you guys have here." You smile and Cecil giggles shyly, so you continue with, "I love yours the most."

Cecil blushes and giggles. "Stop that."

"But it's true!" You smile, "your eyes are the absolute prettiest."

Cecil giggles and blushes even deeper, wiggling happily, but he still attempts to shush you. But, you continue on, complimenting not just his eyes, but everything else. He then suddenly leans forward to kiss you and that shushes you. But, you hold the kiss until he starts to shiver.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Agh, terrible ending is terrible >_> I just can't and I didn't really know what to do with today because who tf even does this, I don't know relationships, Sollux is sorry. - Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now