Day 8: Shopping

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"Why are we here again?" 

"You need shit to eat." 

"I have thtuff." 

"All the shit in your nutrition block is probably weeks old. I know how you are, Sollux." 

You huff and decide to stop arguing because you knew he was right. You don't eat. It's bad, you know, but you get busy. Video games and coding are so much more important than food. You watch him pick up some shit that you're pretty sure no one would ever eat, and you tell him that, but he asks you why they would even sell it if no one would eat it. You sassily reply because companies are running out of things to sell, which earns you getting one of your ears flicked. How the hell can he even reach that high? 

You huff softly again, impatience getting the best of you. But, come on, you've been in this one aisle for three minutes, three minutes longer than you wanted, and you've been in the store for even longer. Two hours, twelve minutes, and six seconds to be exact. You've been counting because you have nothing better to do. He's banned you from helping pick out food because everything you picked up had high amounts of sugar in it and he 'didn't want a repeat of last time'. You spent longer than you wanted to trying to remember 'last time' until he finally told you. 

The time GZ somehow got you to sit down with him and drink Faygo with him. Once Karkat actually tore you away from him, you were practically vibrating from energy and uncontrolled psiioniics. On the way home, you blew up three hives and electrocuted a poor, innocent squirrel (Tavros stopped talking to you for days). Once you actually got back to your hive, you were so full of energy that he actually left you by yourself for a while. He came back hours later to find you asleep on the floor, covered with regular earth honey, with your bees swarming around you because they thought you had died because you stopped moving so suddenly. 

You grimace a bit at the memory. Never. Again. 

You look back at Karkat, when you realize he was dragging you somewhere, seething about something and grumbling to himself in Alternian. He was angry at something. Was he talking to you while you digging through your memories? He usually only get this type of angry when he's ignored. 



You recoil a bit before huffing through your nose. "You don't have to be like that." 

"And you didn't have to ignore me while I was fucking talking to you, but you did." Karkat growls and you suddenly notice that he was dragging you out of the store with the basket of food still in his hand. 

"Uh, KK." You start but the heated glare he gives you immediately shuts you up. You glance back at the store, seeing people watching you with curious eyes, and you smile at them sheepishly, silently apologizing for the scene caused and promising that you would most likely come back to pay for everything because Karkat probably didn't with how fast he was dragging you out of the store. 

When you arrive at your own hive, the trip being full of stumbling and complaining because he was walking too damn fast, he throws you in and sets the basket down. You sit on the floor, watching him aggressively start to cook for you. He finishes quicker than you think possible and he pulls you into a chair before feeding you himself. 

"Why?" You manage to get out and he huffs. "Because you would never do this yourself." 

You start to say something else because you realize something. This food, whatever it was, was actually extremely good. He seems to notice how you feel about this meal and he huffs a little. "This is what happens when you do more than drink fucking energy drinks. You actually find that some food's good." 

"Yeth, yeth, lecture me later. But, can I pleathe have the retht of that?" You slide the plate over to your side of the table and continue eating it. You purr happily and resist the urge to curl up in your seat. It's a natural reaction when you're pleased with something. You don't notice that he's watching you with a small little pleased smile. 

After eating, he gets you to sleep, which you honestly really needed. You haven't slept for about five days and you were exhausted. You curl up in your recuperacoon, quickly sleeping and snoring softly, not noticing him get into the other side of it and sleep with you. 

You wake up with a message from the store, how did they even get your handle, that reads: 

"We're surprised he actually paid for the food!" And it makes you grin. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Angressive motherly Karkat + Sollux + food = Pleased Sollux = Cute Sollux XD - Sollux the Writer 

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now