Day 2: Cuddling Somewhere

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Today was the day that there would be no fussing. No negativity, just cuddling. You could do that, this was simple. You just had to tell your thinkpan to shut up and let you actually relax for once. To shove the voices to the back of your mind and to just focus on the warmth of your matesprit cuddled up next to your side. It seemed to be working for the most part.

Karkat purrs softly against your neck, humming happily when you hold him against you tighter. You smile at him, all fangs, including the hated huge ones that caused your lisp. He actually admitted once that he adored them and your lisp, even though every time you got into a playful argument he had to say something about them. You always retaliated with his height, which made him fume and growl at you. 

Karkat smiles back at you shyly, which makes you purr happily, because he never really smiles at you, or anyone else, but sometimes he'll smile back at you when you smile at him. That stirs up the feelings inside of you that makes you feel special and better about yourself, which is a hard thing to do seeing as you're prone to self-loathing. You've been trying to not do that a lot and to take care of yourself so he won't fuss at you and act as if he's your lusus (You've had to remind him more than once that he's not your lusus because Bicyclopsdad died and is probably resting peacefully in the dreambubbles). 

But, you pity him for it. All of his lususlike behaviour, his fussiness, when he decides to have angry little tantrums and take it out on something in your hive, all of it, all of which makes Karkat him. Gog, you could even say that you human love him, which, according to Rose, was no different from pity, but to you it felt stronger that pity. 

"Sollux," Karkat pulls you out of your thoughts by laying on top of you, sinking you further into the sopor covering you both. You look at him, your bicolored eyes flickering curiously. He nuzzles your shoulder softly, "pity you." 

You blush a little, holding the smaller troll again, him moving causing your arms to slip from around him. You smile, "I pity you too." 

"Cuddle me more then, asshole." He grunts sleepily and you chuckle at him, petting him and holding him tighter. You watch him fall asleep, mumbling something about you being a fuckass for laughing at him and you grin, finding it cute how he could still be fussy in his barely awake state. 

You soon fall asleep with him, which surprises you a little bit, seeing as you rarely sleep. But, it's something about seeing your KK so peaceful curled up on top of you that just makes you want to sleep. You snore softly in your sleep, barely acknowledging him smiling softly against your chest and holding your hand. 

~(._.)~ The end ~(._.)~

A/N: And that's the end of day two :3 It's short because I rushed it and it's probably all over the place, but hopefully it's likable. I really like this pairing and it was fun to write. Karkat and Sollux were probably a little OOC and for that I am sorry. Also, I'm not too sure about the love being stronger that pity, is that even a thing that has ever existed, but if I'm wrong you can tell me, but please be nice with it. Bye for now~. - Sollux the Writer

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