Day 14: Genderbent

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A/N: Today's Sollux's turn to screech unhappily at things XD

~~~ Starting point ~~~

"KK, what the hell ith thith?!" You rush out of the ablution trap with the deepest blush possible. Karkat looks at you, blushing deeply. 

"Put a shirt on first!" Karkat squeaks and you grab your shirt, putting it on before noticing that it's too big for you now. What the hell is going on?

"Tho, can you explain thith?!" You ask sharply, incredibly confused and a little scared, and you pout when Karkat pats your cheek. 

"Kanaya did this. She got some shit to turn us into girls. She told me earlier." Karkat looks at you and you do start to realize his more feminine features. She then giggles at you. "You've gotten shorter." 

You rush over to a mirror and realize she was right. You were smaller. You had to at least be 5'5 now. This is terrible, you were originally 6'8. Karkat could lay her head on your shoulder now, which she was. You pout even more. 

"KK," You look at her and she hums curiously. You snicker softly. "My boobth are huge. Look at them." 

"That's why I told you to put a shirt on earlier." Karkat giggles softly and you continue looking at them through the mirror. You then start to look at your entire body. You had softer features and your hips were a little wider. You had a better ass too and your hair was longer. This was kind of nice actually. 

You look at Karkat, who looked really adorable actually. The light freckles she had as a boy looked even cuter as a girl. Her hands were smaller, daintier, and you watch them come up to play with her hair, which was longer and even messier. It was cute though. She was cute.

You pick her up suddenly, beaming a little at the fact that you could still do that. Her legs immediately wrap around your waist, as usual, and she clings onto you, playing with your hair. You giggle a little at her, you sounded adorable too, and she apparently thought so too. 

"You're adorable." She smiles at you and you blush deeply. She then kisses your cheek and your blush deepens even more. 

"Noo," You giggle shyly, "you are." 

She pats your nose. "How about this? We're both cute." 

"Okay, okay." You smile and nod. Karkat wiggles when someone knocks on your door and you carry her over to the door, answering it. You put Karkat on your back before waving, "Hello, KN." 

"Hello!" Kanaya beams and smiles, "You guys look precious." 

Karkat giggles softly, thanking her, and you do the same. She nods happily before pulling out a bag, "I brought you two underwear and the like because you'll be like this for a while. I imagine most of your clothes don't really fit anymore." She nods to your oversized shirt. 

After brief complaining, Kanaya has you both dressed in clothes that actually fit, how she knew what sizes you would need is weird, but at the same time you didn't mind. You kept playing with the bra you had on, feeling strange with it on, and she smacks at your hands lightly. 

"Meh." You frown and she reprimands you with a look. She was helping Karkat actually put hers on, handing her a shirt once she actually gets it on. She tosses a shirt to you afterwards, ordering you to put it on. You put it on, purring a little. It was extremely soft and it felt nice. You liked it. 

"I'm taking the both of you out. Everyone wants to see you two ladies." Kanaya puts your glasses back on for you with a small smile and you make a little noise in the back of your throat. 

"Okay," Karkat nods and you shrug. After feeding you both, she takes you both to the meeting area with you both following behind her dutifully. 

Once you get there, Feferi absolutely squeals and you both cringe. She jumps and hugs you both, nuzzling your hair and glubbing happily. You both hug her back and she hops happily when she pulls away.

Vriska comes and pats your head with a mocking grin. "You look gr8." 

You huff, and it comes out more cute than anything you wanted, and her grin just widens. "You guys, Sollux is adorable~." 

"Leave her, Vriska." Kanaya snaps, fixing Karkat's hair, which Feferi had accidentally messed up during her attack hug. 

"But, whhhy? I want to cuddle her." Vriska hugs you and you just sit there, watching them both.

"Because they are my responsibility and if you hurt her, I will hurt you." Kanaya's tone was threatening and Vriska backs off silently with a frown. 

Once Vriska was gone, you wave to Aradia, who beams at you and walks over to you. 

"Hello!" Aradia smiles at you cheerfully, brushing your hair back into place with her hands. You two talk for a little while before everyone decides to go because it was getting late. Kanaya walks the both of you home and you smile softly at her.

"Thankth, KN, for today." You smile and Karkat thanks her also. 

"Of course. Troll me if you have any issues." She bows a little before walking back to her own hive. 

"KK," You look at Karkat with a grin. She looks at you curiously before blushing and saying, "No." 

"Aww, why not? Aren't you curiouth?" 

"No." She stays firm with her answer and you wiggle unhappily. 

"But, I am." You look at her again, pouting a little again and she shakes her head, still blushing. At least the thought of it was starting to get to her. Perfect. You go over and you hug her to you, making sure her face was smushed into your boobs. She wiggles a little and squeaks. 

You pet her hair, playing with her horns, letting your psiioniics spark around her horns. She shivers and mewls.

"Tho, can we try?" You purr softly to her, pulling her away from you a little and she nods, sighing softly. 

"Fine," She nods, "okay."

You grin and drag her back to your bedroom faster than you probably should have. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: I finally made it to 1,000 words on one of these things, I am so proud.  I didn't even mean for it to become like them going out with Kanaya and all that, they were really just about to stay at home. Also, excuse any OOCness from anyone and the fact that KK like disappeared when they were at the little gathering thing. And I don't really like Vriska like that, so I'm sorry if she seems like an asshole >_> - Sollux the Writer 

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and Solkatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें