Day 17: Spooning

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A/N: Yas, Cecilos cuddles X3

~~~ Starting point ~~~

You sigh softly against Cecil's back, wrapping your arms around him. He was still sleeping, judging from how he was breathing. His breathing was slow and relaxed and he looked very peaceful. He was curled up like a cat next to you, his hands going over your own. He looked so pretty in his sleep. 

He was so calm and relaxed, a small smile on his face. You brush his hair out of his face, making him wiggle a little. You watch his tattoos, which were writhing slightly and happily. You still couldn't give over the fact that they moved or became actual things when Cecil felt a strong emotion. They intrigued you quite a bit, but you wouldn't try to question it, for once, and just accept it. 

Cecil makes a little snorting noise, ew, and you look at him. He stays asleep, staying still so he wouldn't ruin the spooning position you had with him right now. He paws at your hands a little, silently asking to be held tighter, and you oblige happily. He giggles softly and hums happily. 

You watch him sleep, seeing as you can't really do anything else. If you move, he'll probably get upset, and you don't really want that. So, you just continue to lay with him and nuzzle his hair. He makes small, pleased noise. He wakes up slightly when you shift and you freeze.

"Carlos~." He slurs sleepily and you hum curiously, watching arch his back and stretch, "what are you doing?" 

You look at him curiously, giggling softly and saying, "I wasn't doing anything." 

"Yes, you were," Cecil frowns and you can't see it, but you hear it in his voice. 

"When?" You smile softly into his hair and he makes a little noise. 

"Wait..." Cecil pauses and you giggle softly when he seems to realize he was dreaming. He shakes his head. "Never mind." 

You giggle softly, "Realize you were dreaming?" and Cecil nods. 

He stays awake, just laying there and humming softly. You were still spooning because he surprisingly didn't move around a lot when he woke up like how he usually does. You kiss his head and smiles when he beams. After maybe an hour of laying together, Cecil wiggles out of your hold. 

"I need to pee and I'm hungry." Cecil frowns and you nod, chuckling a little and telling him to go and telling him that you'll make breakfast for them both. Once he goes into the bathroom, you get up and go to make breakfast. 

He comes downstairs soon after and you smile at him. "Come help." Cecil smiles at you and nods, helping with the eggs and the sausages while you work on the bacon and the pancakes.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Yaay, Cecilos cuddling and then making breakfast together. Such cute bbs :3. It also took me forever to write this. I started writing this at like two and it's now almost six o'clock o-o - Sollux the Writer 

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now