Day 13: Eating Icecream

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A/N: Switched the POV back to Carlos >_>

~~~ Starting point ~~~

You watch as Cecil continues to give his icecream little kitten licks. He hums happily and purrs a little, wiggling happily. You tried to not think about sexual that looks and how cute he looks instead. He did look very adorable and you smile a little. He smile and kisses his cheek before gasping. "Your icecream's dripping!" 

He starts to lick it off the cone and your hand, making you blush so impossibly deep. You watch and whine quietly when he starts to purr a little, sitting up to lick his lips before giggling and cheerfully saying, "I got it!" 

"That you did, dear." You voice shakes a little and you continue to blush, watching him continue to eat his icecream. You can't help but stare because you're starting to believe that he's doing this on purpose. You eat your icecream slowly, humming a little, and he giggles softly at you. He takes a small bite of his and you look at him curiously. 

He hums, continuing to eat the icecream until you can't take it anymore and drag him back to the car to take him home and never leave again. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: It's only 200 words, I suuck ;-; I just didn't have any want to write today, but I will not skip days unless something major happens. Bluh. - Sollux the Writer 

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ