Day 15: In A Different Clothing Style

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"Carlos~. Come see if this looks alright." Carlos practically purrs from your shared bedroom and when you walk in, you almost drop the tie you were trying to figure out.

He was in a dress. A beautiful, purple evening gown that matched his eyes so perfectly that you had to stare. He had on heels too, purple also, and sparkly. He was beautiful.

"Carlos," He giggles, "do I look alright?"

"You..." You stop to swallow before saying, "you look freaking amazing. You're so hot, babe."

He giggles and thanks you, walking over to put your tie on for you. You watch him, but the only thing that you could think about is how good he looked walking in those amazing heels. It was like he was made to walk in them. He needed to do this more often.

Cecil pats your chest afterwards, signaling that he was done before grabbing a little jacket and putting it on.

"You ready?" Cecil giggles softly and your heart almost melts. You nod, leading him out to your car and he hums softly. You open the door for him and he thanks you before getting in. You nod and smile before closing the door. You get into the other side, humming happily and driving off to the restaurant.

The restaurant, from the outside, looked wonderful. It had a gold and red color scheme and all the decorations were the same colors. There were two huge, gold lion statues outside of the entrance and you stared at them curiously when you saw one of them move out of the corner of your eye. At least you thought you did. Cecil didn't seem to notice though. He was too entranced by the flashing lights and the water fountains.

Once you make it inside, the waiter take you to your reserved table. The table was in the back, away from everyone else. You wanted some privacy. You smile and watch him sit. You would push his chair in, but you were sitting at a booth.

You hold his hand while you both order your food and eating it. After exiting the restaurant, he pouts at you.

"I don't wanna go home yet." He looks at you and you smile.

"I have an idea, get in." You grin and the both of you get in. You drive him to a park and he looks around curiously. You get out and help him out before turning on some soft music on your phone.

"Would you like to dance, Cecil?" You hold out your hand and smile as he takes it. You pull him to you and sway with him to the music. He giggles and does also, wrapping his arms around your neck. You run your hands over his sides, smiling softly and watching him shiver.

He runs a hand through your hair, giggling softly and shyly. You smile and kiss him softly, humming. He happily kiss you back, holding you close.

This was nice. Very nice. You liked nights like this. You ask him for more nights like this and he beams.

"Of course we can!" He giggles and hugs you. You hug him back, whispering a thanks to him.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Is crossdressing even considered a different style of dress? Carlos had on a suit also. And I really adore giggly Cecil. - Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now