Day 24: Making Up Afterwards (Cecilos)

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A/N: Part two of Day 24, yay. :3

~~~ Starting point ~~~

"Dana, I was just talking to him about what to get him for his birthday."

"So, you weren't trying to get with him and steal him away from his wife?"

The sigh you let out most likely had all of your annoyance in it. "No, I was not trying to steal Steve away from his wife. Please tell me Cecil did not tell you that."

"Hey, he was drunk when he came to my house yesterday." Dana says, shrugging, "he's still here though. He's asleep on my couch."

"Please tell him to come home when he wakes up and is done with his headache." You say softly and Dana happily hums, nodding.

"Sure will. I'll let you explain what happened." Dana says happily, smiling.

Two hours later, Cecil was back at home, sitting with you, but curled up on the far end of the couch.

"Ceec, the reason why I went to talk to Steve was for your birthday." You look at Cecil, who looked surprised, and you continue, "I talked to basically every you socialize with on basically a daily basis, friendly or not."

One of his tentacles flick against your arm and you pet it softly, smiling. At least they forgave you because right now Cecil was letting them do as they pleased.

"Oh, Carlos, I'm so sorry." Cecil hugs you and the rest of his tentacles join you both in the hug.

"It's alright. I'm not telling you what I got you." You smile and hug him back, petting him and kissing his head. You laugh when you notice he was pouting.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: It's short and probably disappointing, I know. ;-; - Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now