Day 6: Wearing Each Other's Clothes

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A/N: I don't know why, but I love things like this soooo much X3 It's so cute. 

~~~ Starting point ~~~

You look at Karkat, who was wearing nothing but your shirt, and you feel something feral run through you. It was something about seeing your sign on him that got you all possessive. 

But that's not what you need to focus on here. 

You should focus on how cute he looks instead because he honestly looks adorable. You watch with probably the goofiest smile you can muster on your face as he walks into the nutrition block and grabs something before settling on the couch. You both somehow ended up with the other's clothes on, seeing as you had on his boxers, which were too small for you, but you didn't even mind because they were his. But, every time you moved, they did remind you how incredibly small he is compared to you. Your nook would probably be in some pain after this, but you feel like it'll be worth it.

You walk over to him with a quiet hum, hugging him from behind. He purrs at you softly and you purr back at him lovingly before bending over some more to take a bite of his food and the face he makes is hilarious and you cackle while he cusses at you. 

"You fucking-" You silence him with a kiss after you finish laughing and he blushes deeply before kissing you back. You hold him there before pulling away with a satisfied little grin. He blushes deeply and whines softly before muttering something. You snort. 

"Why are you thuch an angry crab?" 

He fumes at that and you laugh again when he throws a pillow at you. You grin and catch it with your psiioniics before hitting him with it lightly, grinning even wider when he pounces on you. 

He looks at you, settled on your bony hips, a snarl fixed on his face at your grin. You lift an eyebrow when he just sits there and he blushes a little, becoming the type of angry which is also mixed in with pouting. You like that kind of angry because it's adorable. You pull him down to lay on you and he wiggles unhappily. 

"Fuckface," He huffs and it sounded more like a whine, but he'd actually hit you if you say that. His hits hurt for him to have such small hands. You smile at how easy it is to calm him down to what Karkat considers 'calm', which is him quiet, but silently cursing at the world. 

You like every version of angry Karkat has besides, 'I want to throw stuff around the hive with no care about the direction it's going in' angry. That type of angry almost got you stabbed once and usually you have to pin him down and ignore him until he gets more upset than furious. 

You poke Karkat, who purrs softly and lets out a small chirping noise, showing he was 'calm'. You kiss his head and he relaxes even more. 

"Hairball." You say affectionately and he grumbles, purring happily. 

You stay like that for hours, purring quietly before Karkat realizes how tight his boxers actually were on you and bursts into a evil fit of laughter. 

~~~ Finish Line ~~~ 

A/N: WHAT EVEN WAS THIS CHAPTER?! It was flipping adorable. I love it so much and I have never been so proud of this. This is one of my favorite things ever. Everyone who's in a relationship, wear your partner's clothes. It might make you feel better. Also, playful Sollux is yes.  - Sollux the Writer 

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