Day 10: With Animal Ears

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Karkat screeching wakes you up suddenly and you make an embarrassing noise of surprise. You crawl out of the sopor and he runs out of the ablution trap and for a minute you see nothing different. 

"KK, what the hell ith wrong with-Oh." You suddenly spot the two meowbeast ears replacing his usual nubhorns. "What happened to you?" 

"I don't fucking know! Do you really think I would be this freaked out if I fucking knew what was going on here?" He snaps before suddenly looking a little scared. "What if this is permanent?" 

"I doubt it'th permanent, KK, calm down." You huff before he gasps out a, "Hey!" 


"You have them too!" 

"KK, don't even do that." 

"No, I'm serious! Look!" He holds up a mirror and you look at the meowbeast ears replacing your horns. Your twin tails were whipping behind you idly. You make a noise of discomfort and you look at him, who was looking at you too. He starts to speak slowly, "we should go see someone about this."

"Who the hell are we gonna thee about thith?" You look at him and he shrugs. You shake your head before going to wash the slowly drying sopor off of yourself. You go out to get dressed and when you come back, he was sitting in a chair, grooming himself. 

"KK, you're a kitten." You say lovingly and he jumps before blushing. You walk over and pet him, listening to him purr softly and happily. You beam at him, wanting to cuddle him and forget about the problem at hand. "You're altho very dithtracting." 

He licks you hand and you smirk. "Why wath that neceththary?" 

"It wasn't. Now, go." He lightly pushes you in the direction of your husktop and you oblige him, sitting and thinking about who to message. You decide to ask Kanaya about this. After a long than you wanted to have conversation, she finally tells you to just wait it out. You were fine with that, but you didn't know if Karkat was. 

"Hey, KN thaid to jutht wait." You look at him, watching him groom himself again. "KK, you're not dirty." 

"Leave me alone, it's entertaining. And I'm fine with that." He grumbles, grooming his tail with a quiet little purr. 

Days later, they were gone. You honestly missed them a little. You and Karkat had fun with them, especially after you found out that the tails were incredible sensitive. You were greatly amused when you got to watch him lose his mind over a laser pointer and run straight into a wall while chasing it. He got exceptionally cuter too while he was part meowbeast. He said you did too, but you reminded him that you aren't cute. You're better than that, damn it. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Kanaya was totally in on what happened to them. She just didn't tell them that. But Sollux had his suspicions XD - Sollux the Writer 

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