Day 29: Doing Something Sweet

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"Cecil, I brought a cake!" You push the door open with your foot, humming happily. Cecil looks up from the couch, beaming.

"I want cake. Bring it." Cecil gives you a catlike smile and you bring a fork over with the entire cake. Cecil wiggles happily and you giggle. He was so cute.

You open the cake and eat some of it yourself. He pouts at you a little, making you chuckle. You move him closer to you and feed him the cake, smiling when he wiggles happily again. You both giggle and he leans on you, humming happily. He nuzzles your cheek, wanting more cake and you give it to him.

You continue eating the cake together, cuddling with each other and watching whatever comes on the TV. He falls asleep next you, curled up tightly and you smile at him. He was so cute and you adored him so much.

You continue eating the cake, petting him while he sleeps. You start to laugh when he grumbles and headbutts you a little in his sleep, telling you not to eat all of it. "I will do whatever I want, sir." 

"Noo." Cecil whines and you continue laughing, even after he huffs and one of his tentacles flick you. 

"Agh, bringing out the tentacles was a very unfair move." You smirk and it lays down on your leg, officially giving up on you. You smirk and kiss his ear, "I'll save some cake for you, I promise." He smiles and purrs happily, nodding. 

You don't and his reaction is the best thing. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: It's so short, I'm sorry ;-; I'm doing this from a phone, so it's like, ":u" - Sollux the Writer

Edit: Made it longer! :3

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now