Day 21: Cooking/Baking

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A/N: Sollux the Writer is so sorry!! I said I would never forget another day ever again, but I did and to anyone who actually reads and enjoys this story, I'm sorry. ;-; 

~~~ Starting point ~~~

You wake to the sound of Cecil humming and you follow the sound of it after convincing yourself to get out of bed because your day off should be spent with your boyfriend. You find yourself in the kitchen, the cold tile against your bare feet making you shiver. You can deal with it though because your curiosity to what Cecil was doing was far greater than your coldness. You walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and he leans on you a little, still reading the book in his hands, but he smiles a little. 

"Good morning~," Cecil says softly, still cheerfully, and you smile, kissing the back of his neck softly. 

"Good morning," you answer a little gruffly, but he loves it considering the way he giggles softly and you smile softly before asking, "what're you doing?" 

"Baking a cake!" Cecil smiles happily, "it's for Earl's birthday. It's coming soon." 

"How old is he turning?"

"Uhm...I don't know. And apparently he doesn't either. Remember that one day he was there on my show and he said he didn't remember?" Cecil looks at you and you nod. He smiles softly, "It's still his birthday, so."

"Would you like help?" You look at him and he nods happily. 

"Mhm! Get stuff." Cecil giggles softly and you look at the cake mix, trying to figure out what you both needed. You grab bowls and other items before setting them all down on the counter. 

"Cecil?" He hums, starting to mix things together, "do you have an icing bag?" 

"I do, but I'm terrible at writing on cakes." Cecil pouts a little and you smile, ruffling his hair. 

"I can do it. Just hand me some icing." 

Cecil passes you some orange icing in a bowl that looked to be homemade. You put it into the icing bag and watches Cecil put the cake batter into the oven. You smile and taste a little bit of the icing. Cecil stands with you and hold him, watching the timer on the oven quietly. Cecil purrs at you softly, smiling at you. You smile back and nuzzle him a little. 

You both continue cuddling with each other before the timer on the oven scares you both by beeping loudly. You pull the cake out and wait for it to cool down before putting the icing on it. You write 'Happy Birthday, Earl' on it with a few decorations that Cecil wanted added. 

Afterwards, he told you to not eat the excess icing still in the icing bag, but you did anyway. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: I want the next day, technically today, to be so epic >_> I'll try in the two hours I have left. I'm sorry that this one is sucky and rushed. - Sollux the Writer 

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now