Day 27: On One Of Their Birthdays

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A/N: I love birthdays!! Eee.

~~~ Starting point ~~~

"Carlos!" Cecil smiles at you brightly, continuing to do whatever it was he was doing in the kitchen. You look over his shoulder and watch him continue to cook. You wrap your arms around his waist and watch him work and he kisses your cheek, happily reminding you that it was your birthday.

Wow, it was your birthday. You forgot all about it. You're usually working on your birthday, not at home with someone. It's been the longest time since you actually celebrated your birthday with someone. So, you mumble into his neck, "Yeah, it is."

"You forgot, didn't you?" Cecil giggles softly and you nod, nuzzling his shoulder in the process.

"I did. I never forgot how old I am though." You snort and Cecil giggles softly.

"Don't say that like you're old." He pats your hair, ruffling it a little, and you smirk.

"But, I am."

"35 is not old!" Cecil laughs at you and you pout.

"It really is," you continue pouting, "and it doesn't matter that I'm the youngest one on my team. I'm still old."

"Carlos, but, I'm older than you. That means you're calling me old too." Cecil pokes your cheek and you giggle softly.

"Cecil, do you even age?" You look at Cecil and he actually looks like he's thinking about this. Only in Night Vale will you ever have to think about whether or not you age.

"Unlike most people here, I do. For example, Old Woman Josie doesn't have an official age, she's just been in her mid-sixties since I've known her." Cecil giggles softly, "and everyone knows that Erika doesn't age."

"I don't see why they would. They're angels." You shrug and Cecil nods with a soft little giggle.

"But the both of us do, dear Carlos." Cecil smiles, petting your cheek and making you hum happily, "but enough about that. People dropped presents by while you were asleep and your scientists called and wished you a happy birthday."

You panic a little, "What time is it?!"

"11:30." God, when was the last time you had slept so long? You went to sleep around ten o'clock last night. 

Cecil smiles, "I know you don't like to sleep so long, but you looked too cute for me to wake you up."

"Alright, alright. But, your pancake is on fire." You step back with Cecil's tentacles emerge to grab the fire extinguisher. They spray the burning food and turn off the flame while Cecil himself curses up a storm and pouts. You really wished he wouldn't because Cecil cursing is such a turn on for you, it's ridiculous.

You mentally tell yourself to calm down and it eventually works, especially when Cecil's tentacles start to lovingly flick and poke at you. You pat all of them and they wiggle happily, shyly going back over to Cecil, who lets them cuddle and wrap around him.

"I don't know what we're going to eat now." Cecil pouts and they wiggle unhappily. You smile and hug him.

"Take me out to lunch? It's 12 now." You look at him and he nods happily, grabbing his keys before snorting.

"You should go put on a shirt." He pats your chest and you snort, nodding before going upstairs to actually get dressed. You come back downstairs and his tentacles were gone.

You go to Big Rico's Pizza and eat while sitting on the hood of his car. He hums while he eats, little purrs coming from him. You nuzzle him a little with your nose and he giggles.

"You're like a kitten," Cecil giggles and you mew just to amuse him. He giggles and laughs, "You're so cute!"

After finishing lunch, you go back home and watch a movie together. Cecil knew you didn't want a birthday party and it was fine just being the two of you. You look up from having your head on his chest and you smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Good." You chuckle and Cecil giggles, wiggling a little.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Cheesy ass ending is cheesy, but it's nice. I think it's nice. And the Cecil cussing being like the best thing is that I read a fic once and that was one of Carlos's kinks, and what the whole fic was about, and I loved it a lot, so there. – Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now