Day 23: Arguing

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A/N: Arguing, no ;-; I can't write arguing because I don't argue. I'm too soft for this.

~~~ Starting point ~~~

"Cecil, for the last time, me and Steve did nothing."

"Why were you with him then?"

"Because he asked me to talk to him about something."

Cecil stops and says something sharply and you recoil, staying quiet when you watch him leave. You flop down on the couch, sighing deeply. If only he knew what you were really talking to Steve for. You hated arguing with him because most of the time, when he came back, it would lead to more arguing and crying-on his part-and you hated dealing with that. Cecil crying was the worst possible thing to deal with it, especially if it was your fault.

This argument wasn't your fault, though, not this time. Usually you argue over you always coming home late, he used to think you were cheating on him and then got mad when he realized that you really were at the lab. That argument led to him believing that science was more important than he was, which you proved wrong because you spent three whole days with him without even thinking about anything scientific right afterwards.

You huff a little and get a glass of wine, sitting on the couch with it and drinking it slowly. You look at the bottle. You getting drunk wouldn't help this situation or make it worse, really, because he probably wouldn't be home until tomorrow. But, at the same time, you wouldn't want to explain anything to him with a hangover and the urge to throw up. You also don't even drink, so he'd also be confused to why you drank a whole bottle by yourself.

You fill up the glass a second time. Drinking away your problems wouldn't help because it would just come back up in the morning.

You drink the second glass and move up to the bedroom instead with it, lying in bed after changing into your pajamas. You wanted it with you if you do decide to start drinking again. You watch the news, humming softly. You soon fall asleep, sighing softly.

Cecil was back early in the morning, it had to at least be five in the morning, and you heard him. You walk down the steps silently and you see a glimpse of his tentacles. All of them were out, moving around in various directions and helping him out with whatever he was doing. You peek at him and he growls, maybe he purrs, softly and you curse softly. He always noticed you.

"Carlos~," he purrs, his voice slurring a bit, "I know you're there."

"You always do." You come into the kitchen fully, seeing one of his tentacles wrapped around an empty whiskey bottle. They were swaying and wiggling, apparently just as drunk as he was. He frowns a little.

"Why was I gone so long?"

"You were mad at me and you left," you say softly and he frowns, silently telling you to continue, "I spoke with Steve earlier and you got mad at me because of it."

He hisses a little, the memory spoiling his mood, before he leaves again.

Goddamn it.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: Who notices my bad drinking pun, I'm so proud of it. I'm a bad person, I know, don't judge. Also, I found a way to write longer stories. I write them in Microsoft Word now because it keeps me from looking at the word count and thinking, "Hey, if I just get to this amount of words, I can end it." So, yay. - Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now