Day 26: Getting Married

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A/N: Humanstuck this time and I can't write weddings, forgive me. >_>

~~~ Starting point ~~~

"KK, our wedding ith tomorrow. Holy thhit," you laugh nervously and Karkat pats you.

"Don't be nervous." Karkat smiles and you nuzzle his hand this time when he pats you again. You liked when he does that, for reasons unknown. But, on another topic, your wedding was tomorrow. You're nervous—more than when you first proposed to him—but you would never tell him that. He'd just find out tomorrow when you pass out.

Oh, God, no, please don't let that happen. You'd be too embarrassed to continue living. Karkat would forgive you, of course, but you wouldn't even deserve it.

"We should sleep," Karkat says, "we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

You nod and let him put you to sleep by humming and playing with your hair, which relaxed you immediately. You're not sure what time he went to sleep, or if he even did, but he was up way earlier than you were. You walk downstairs to him drinking coffee and you wave to him, running your hand through your hair.

"Morning, babe~." You greet him, your voice still rough and deep from sleep and it apparently has an effect on him because he blushes. You pull him over to you with a quiet hum, wrapping your arms around his waist and smiling when he leans on you with a quiet sigh. You nuzzle his cheek softly before going down to kiss his neck, making him glare at you lightly.

"Not yet," he practically purrs, "we'll have time for that afterwards."

"But, KK," you look at him when he pulls away from you and he pokes your cheek, ignoring you and telling you to go get dressed. You huff a little, but you do anyway.

You get dressed and glance at the time. It was barely even eight in the morning. It was unnatural for you to be up so early. But, you head back downstairs instead of laying back in bed, which you considered doing. He'd probably get mad at you anyway.

Karkat looks at you and giggles softly. "You look nice."

"Eh," you shrug, "I didn't really try. I jutht picked out clotheth."

After meeting with the wedding planner, both of your families, a couple friends, it was thirty minutes until your wedding and the both of you were getting dressed.

"KN, you really don't have to do all of thith." You sigh, once again, as Kanaya checks to make sure everything fits for the second time before starting to work on your hair. You can't see it, but you feel her glare on you.

"I am determined to make you look as nice as possible for your new husband." Kanaya huffs, brushing and maneuvering your hair as she sees fit. You stay still and stop arguing, figuring that would be better. She finishes with your hair and dabs your face with a napkin suddenly, making you flinch.

"KN, what the hell?"

"You were crying." Kanaya says with the biggest grin you have ever seen on her face, "you must be very excited."

You sigh shakily, sudden doubts coming over you. "KN, do you think I'll be a good huthband?"

"Sollux Captor, everyone thinks you're going be a good husband. If you weren't going to be a good husband, you wouldn't be marrying Karkat and I would have made sure of that. Now, get out there." Kanaya pushes you lightly out the door before going to sit, in the front like she wanted.

You sigh deeply, standing next to the priest, who puts a hand on your shoulder. "You look faint."

"I'm alright. Jutht trying thuper hard to try to not cry." You admit, sighing and shaking your head. You glance around and try to relax, eventually doing so, until Karkat walks out. Then, you start crying and you cry even harder when you're finally allowed to kiss him.

After the ceremony, you and Karkat sat together eating cake after throwing the top at each other. You watched some people dance around, waiting for your own dance together. Karkat hums happily as he feeds you more cake, which you eat happily. He giggles softly, eating some of the cake that you were feeding him also. He eats it happily, letting out a small, pleased noise.

"I love you." He smiles at you and you smile back.

"I love you too." You nuzzle his hair, sniffling softly.

"Oh, my God-Sollux, no, don't cry." He hugs you and you keep your face in his hair, sniffling before managing to get yourself together. Once it was time for you two to dance together, you manage to do it without fucking up and tripping.

While heading home, you hear Karkat sniffling over in the passenger's seat. You look at him when you get to a red light.

"Are you okay?" You look at him curiously and he nods.

"Yeah," he sniffles, "I'm fine. Just haven't got to cry all day today." He continues crying and you pet his hair before starting to drive again. You make it home and you carry him inside, making him laugh and hold onto him. You carry him upstairs to the bedroom with a grin.

"Thhould we thhower before or afterwardth?" You ask, running your hand up one of his legs when they wrap around your waist. He acts like he's actually thinking about it before kissing your ear.

"Does it really matter~?" He purrs in your ear and you grin, laying him down on the bed before kissing him as deeply as you possibly can.

You wake up the next morning, still with most of your wedding clothes on and you laugh softly with each other before going to eat out somewhere.

Being married felt good.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: I really like this so much and one line ending are the best thing I have ever discovered, okay. I love them too much for my own good because it's perfection. Yas. – Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and Solkatحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن