Day 18: Doing Something Together

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A/N: Humanstuck Solkat this time >_< 

"KK!" You huff unhappily when he drags you away from your computer once again. He turns you around to face him and you frown at him, squirming unhappily. He looks at you and frowns also. 

"I want to go somewhere." 

"Fucking-" You stop yourself from getting mad at him because you know he'll get all pouty and upset if you do and that means he'll stop talking to you. It would do good for you if he did, you wanted to finish coding, but you'd also get a little lonely, so you just sigh and ask, "where do you want to go?" 

Karkat shrugs and huffs softly. You give him a look before looking around and putting on your shoes, noticing him hop once out of excitement in the corner of your eye. He grabs a jacket and puts it on while you grabs your keys before also grabbing a jacket. You walk outside with him, watching him look at the snow already on the ground with small excitement. 

"KK, did it thnow a lot where you were raithed?" You look at him and he shakes his head. 

"It's too hot for that." Karkat frowns and you ruffle his hair, smiling. You watch him kick a small pile of snow with a little giggle and holy shit, he was adorable. You watch him a little longer with an smile before pulling him over to you, making him wiggle. 

"I know thomewhere where it'th a whole bunch of thnow." You say, looking at him, and his face lights up. You pick him up and carry him off to a nearby school yard, which was empty. He wiggles in your arms happily, looking at all of it. You set him down and he runs off somewhere, sitting in it and playing in it. You watch him for a little while before picking up a snowball and throwing it at him. He squeaks unhappily, he'll never admit it, and you snicker. 

"Fucker," He frowns at you, throwing a snowball back at you, which you block. He tries again, this time hitting you straight in the chest. You laugh a little and throw another one, hitting his shoulder. You turn around momentarily, looking around, and he hits you straight in the back with one. It actually hurt a little and you turn around to glare at him. He snickers and runs away when you run over to him, wanting your revenge. 

"Get back here, KK!"

"No!" He laughs and you smirk, suddenly tackling him. He laughs and so do you, wrestling with him. He pushes at you when you end up on top of him and you grin. He huffs and pokes at you, making you giggle and wiggle off of him. 

"You know I'm ticklithh, damn it." You frown playfully and he smirks, nodding. 

Hours later, you end up building an quite nice snowman if you do say so yourself. Except for the bottom snowball, which Karkat made. You loved him, but he was far from good with any type of art. You both took a picture of it so you won't forget it and you even give it a name.

You were walking back home when Karkat suddenly sneezes. You gasp softly, "Oh! You need to get home, KK." 

You pick him up and rush home, as fast as you can rush without slipping and busting your ass and he complains the entire time about it not being necessary. You set him down and make him change his clothes, telling him that you'll make him some tea. He goes and takes a quick shower, coming back downstairs in warmer clothes. You bring him his tea and wrap a blanket around him, sitting with him on the couch and cuddling him. 

Karkat pouts a little, "I don't need all this." 

"Yeth, you do," You say, "I don't want you to get any worthe." 

"It's just a fucking-achoo!" Karkat stops to sneeze and sniffle before saying, "it's just a fucking cold." 

"Coldth can get worthe. What if you end up with a fever or thomething?" You instinctively put a hand to his forehead and cheeks, feeling his temperature. He grumbles a little, but allows you to mother him. You smile and play with his messy hair, watching him drink his tea. He coughs a little and cuddles into you more. You continue to hold him and play with his hair, carrying him to your bedroom when he starts to fall asleep. 

You're woken up in the middle of the night with the sounds of Karkat whining and shifting constantly. You groan when you realize it's 3 in the morning. You sit up a little to look at him and then you frown. His cheeks were flushed and he was breathing a little harder than usual and you put your hand on his forehead, removing it soon after. 

He had a fever, but he was also shivering. Please not let him have the flu. He curls up tightly and you lightly shake him awake. He wakes up slowly, blinking and looking at you grumpily. 

"Don't look at me like that," you say and he huffs, "you have the flu and you woke me up." 

You take him temperature before he can say anything, so he just settles for glaring at you. 

"104," You huff a little, "damn it, KK." 

You spend the next couple of days taking care of him, making him eat soup because you don't want him to eat anything heavy because if he throws up on your floor, you will murder him. He enjoys the soup though, wanting every warm thing you give him, except for your own body heat. You wouldn't allow him to touch you because then you'd both be sick and that is not what either one of you needed. You brought about three cans of Lysol also so you can spray down everything he touched. 

You were already halfway through the second can. 

About a week later, he was alright again. You actually trusted him with more than soup and tea. You watch him with a sandwich and he eats happily, completely ignoring you. You grin a little. He deserves something for not having this flu longer than a week. So, you make his favorite food for him. 

He's never looked so happy except for when you were out in the snow with him, even though now you regret that a little because that's the reason he was sick in the first place. But, at the same time, you didn't really mind. He looks really cute when he's sick and it's the only time that he doesn't object and argue about you with most things. It was nice having an obedient, docile Karkat around. But, you would never want to change him for the world. 

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: It went from them being adorable and playing in the snow to sick, adorable Karkat. I love this XD Also, I remember reading something about some places in Sri Lanka never really being cold, only hitting about 60 degrees at the lowest, so yea, I might be wrong about the snow thing. - Sollux the Writer  

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