Day 28: Doing Something Ridiculous

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"Hey, KK?" You look up at him, sitting up as best as you can with the way you were laying. You were upside down in a chair, your legs over the back of it. He looks at you from playing with something in his hands, it looked like the Rubik's Cube that John had gave him. He was halfway done and he looks at you with something short of furious on his face because you disturbed him. So, you grin and continue talking before he stabs you for disturbing him for no reason, "you ever actually thought about being nice to thomeone?"

"Fucking-," Karkat stops and sighs, "You disturbed me for fucking this?"


"I hate you." Karkat huffs and you laugh softly.

"That'th not all I wanted to thay. I altho wanted to know if you ever thought about uth having like a really cheethy date? With uth being by a fountain or thome thhit and eating food and thinging and all that."

"Sollux, I told you to stop watching Disney movies. I blame Dave." Karkat looks at you and you snort, wiggling in your chair. You've officially been amused and you were happy now, so you continue messing with him and suggest actually doing it. "As long as we don't fucking sing, sure."

"But, you're a good thinger."

"Yeah, but you're not." Karkat smirks and you throw a grape at him, which he catches and eats. Damn him and his threshacutioner reflexes. The muscles he gained from being one—especially from being the leader—made him sexy as all hell, but his reflexes made it harder for you to throw stuff at him, which was very amusing before. Now, it just made you pout because your reflexes aren't as good as his and because he doesn't throw the things you throw back at you, he eats it.

Hmph. Stupid KK.

"When are we having this fucking...'date'?" Karkat looks at you, his red eyes already full of amusement, and you look at the time.

"How about in an hour? We could buy wine or thomething and take it with uth." You shrug and he snorts.

"No food."

"Who the hell needth food on thith type of date? We will thurvive on romance." You smirk and Karkat actually laughs at little at you.

An hour later, you were sitting in front of a random fountain, drinking wine together and cuddling, laughing at the ridiculousness of this whole situation. You kiss him softly before playing biting his lip and making him laugh even more.

~~~ Finish line ~~~

A/N: I guess this can tie in with my soon-to-be armystuck thing I will eventually write? – Sollux the Writer

30 Day OTP Challenge: Cecilos and SolkatWhere stories live. Discover now