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Not so long after the two hedgehogs' arrival back home, the weather got stormy and it started to rain heavily in a span of a few minutes.
"Phew, we had a close call," Sonic sighed in relief while standing by the window and watching the heavy rain along with ocassional lightnings.
"Yeah, we were lucky to get home fast," Shadow agreed with his partner and moved to the kitchen in order to make some dinner for them both. Over the two years they have been living in a modern house located nearby the Hedgehog Village, yet also a bit aside and thus providing them the needed privacy. They also had a decent garden in the backyard, where Shadow grew some flowers, mostly his favourite lavenders. During stormy weathers he usually covered the garden with their makeshift roof, which Tails helped them with by building a system, that could work automaticaly upon detecting the shift in the weather.
"Well, we're the fastest hedgehogs in this world, so..." Sonic shrugged and trailed off, soon smelling the nice scent of sandwiches Shadow made for their dinner tonight.

"Mhm, dinner's done, Sonic," Shadow announced and served the sandwiches on the table along with glasses of juice and a bowl filled with various types of fruits.
"Wow, Shads, you're such a good cook~" Sonic complimented him while snaking his arms around him from behind and purring lovingly he rubbed his hybrid's stomach, which made Shadow purr in response, whilst his cheeks turned dark pink upon such kind of sudden affection he received from the speedster.
"S-Sonic," Shadow quietly called his lover's name and earned a small hum from him. Sonic rested his chin on Shadow's shoulder and purred along with him, refusing to let go of his sweet hybrid.
"Come on, we need to eat," the ebony male tried to convince the other to let go of him, but Sonic just snuggled closer to him and held onto him tightly.
"Sonic! I am serious! What's wrong with you?" Shadow got slightly impatient and despite the belly rubs feeling really good, his mood quickly shifted to an irritated one due to Sonic's odd behavior.
"Shhh, just relax, Shad~" Sonic murmured and lifting his head he gently nibbled Shadow's ear, which made the hybrid growl in annoyance and flick his ear away from the other's grasp, whilst he tried to push him away.
"Sonic, what's going on?" he managed to free himself from Sonic's grip and turned around to face him with his arms crossed over his chest in a gesture saying 'don't touch me'.

"Sorry, Shads.. I just.. I miss our lovely moments, you know," Sonic sighed and lowered his posture while looking down, his heart was beating fast due to the stuff he did just seconds ago and now the nervousness taking over him.
"We were loving the night before in the chao garden, you know that, Sonic! So, how can you already miss that?" Shadow reasoned with him, but Sonic just shrugged it off before sitting by the table.
"I thought it would make you feel better or something, I don't know," he replied and quietly started eating the sandwiches served for him there on the plate.
"I'm fine, Sonic, just really hungry," Shadow replied in firm tone and sitting by the table he also started quietly eating. Silence took over the house afterwards, the heavy rain and thunders coming from outside were the only noises they could hear. And also a sudden knock on the door! Both hedgehogs paused their actions and looked at each other with confusion written all over their faces.
"I'll answer the door," Shadow shot up before Sonic could do anything - at least something Shadow is faster at - and approaching the door he wisely used the peep hole first, seeing surprisingly Eggman there he widened his eyes and opened the door.
"Oh, heh, hey Shadow! I-I have a little favor to ask of you," Eggman held his hands together in a pleading gesture while pouting at the hedgehog, only praying to not get rejected by him or even Sonic. They were on a respectful terms with each other, yet the villain sometimes did something, that irritated either Sonic or Shadow.
"What is it?" Shadow crossed his arms and stood in the center of the doorway to show, who's the boss here.

"Well, you see, this terrible storm caused my power to go off and since I was outside fixing something, I was locked out and couldn't get in. So.. for now, I need to get somewhere to spend the night, your house being the only option, since everyone else still hates me and won't let me stay in their place," Eggman explained and Shadow raised an eyebrow in suspicion, remembering the days, when Eggman tricked him still so vividly.
"Why were you fixing something outside during the storm?" he asked seriously, still showing signs of rather a hostility, since he wasn't sure, what Eggman might plan. Earning trust was very difficult thing, especially for someone like the mustached man.
"My security system's sensors are outdated and I need to upgrade them a bit, plus I also need to install new cameras outside and thought, that I could manage to do that before the storm would reach my location. But well, guess I miscalculated everything this time," the man elaborated further while now averting his gaze, as he admitted his own mistake. Shadow sighed in resignation and stepped aside.
"You will follow our rules, understood?" he said as seriously as he could muster while letting the soaking wet man in.
"Bathroom is this way," he pointed at the door under the staircase and Eggman just wordlessly headed there without any remarks. Sonic got up and frowned at his lover.
"You really think this is a good idea?" he talked to him through their mind-link while hearing the shower noises coming from the bathroom.
"And what else do you want me to do? How about you rather help me clean the floor now?" Shadow replied through the link while picking paper towels and cleaning the floor from the water and dirt Eggman brought here with his arrival.

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