12: A Lot Can Happen In 400 Years

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We couldn't have been inside more than five minutes with Bill showed up. He grabbed Eric and threw him up against the wall.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

Sookie came running down the stairs just as Eric flipped around and threw Bill against the wall.

"What the fuck?" She said.

"Who is this vampire?" Eric asked.

"He's-he's the king," I told him.

Bill's guards came in and got Eric. I followed them over to Bill's house.

"You can't do this!" I said.

"I am his king," Bill said.

"You aren't mine."

"Yes you've clearly showed me that, when you not only lied to my face but also used fae magic."

"It's not my fault what gifts I posses. And how can you even talk to me about lying?"

"Lily was only protecting me. Whatever I've done she had no part in it," Eric said.

"Silver him," Bill said.

"Bill!" I shouted.

"Lily, don't. You've done enough," Eric said.

"Yes you have," Bill said.

"Really Bill? You can run around with every girl in town, hell Rachel can date every kind of supernatural that's out there. But when I find someone you decide it's time to treat me like your daughter? Well I'm not; if I ever thought I was even close to that I was obviously wrong."

"Believe it or not my entire life does not revolve around you and your sister's love lives."

"But when you see the chance to hold some power over us you don't hesitate to take it."

"I took an oath to protect the vampires in Louisiana," Bill said, ignoring me.

"By locking them up and slivering them? You sure have an interesting way of protecting people," I said.

"Eric is under the control of the necromancers. He's a danger to everyone."

"You have no idea what you're talking about. He can't remember anything! His whole life is just gone."

"He would say or do anything to get to you!"

"Oh so now he's faking it? Make up your mind Bill. Is he a danger or is he a liar?"

I stared at him.

"We were family," I shook my head slightly. "Rachel and I used to think of you as the dad we never had. If you ever loved us, you'll let him go."

"This is vampire business. I strongly suggest you stop acting like Rachel and get out of it."

He turned away.

"Did you even notice Rachel is missing? Or are you too busy imprisoning innocent vampires? She went in to see those witches with Eric and she never came back."

"You should leave."

"That's it? You aren't even going to look for her? Or at least assure me she's alright?" I asked my voice cracking.

"You made it perfectly clear we are no longer family. You should go," he repeated.

"I'm not leaving without him."

"If Ms. Compton sets foot on my property again, I want her arrested for trespassing."

The guards grabbed me and led me out.

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