Chapter 1~ Flipping the Page

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Tris POV
It's two months into our summer, and one till college starts. Tobias and I have never been closer, and I love it. I love the feeling of knowing that he'll always be there for me, and that he's mine.

I still love waking up to him each morning, his bright beautiful blue eyes that first thing I see. I still love his kisses, even the softest ones. I still love just snuggling with him, laughing and smiling with him. Knowing that I'm his and that he loves me.. Has to be the best out of all though.

Shauna and Zeke have visited quite often, in fact they just bought a small house across the street from us. It's a great place and they've put so much work into the nursery.

Shauna looks like she'll pop now, their baby girl coming very soon. Shauna decided on just doing online classes, which will be easier as she's finishing her pregnancy and when their baby comes.

Zeke's going to college though, and I've over heard him say to Tobias that he's just so anxious and excited to be a dad. Especially to a little girl.

I know that Tobias still thinks about us starting a family, and don't get me wrong I think of it too. He's just more ready than I am.

Christina and Will went through a rough patch back in June, but now they're close. So close it's like they were glued together. Neither have mentioned it, but I think they'll move in together soon.

Marlene and Uriah are the same, happy and perfect for each other. Uriah gave Marlene a promise ring earlier this month, on her birthday. It was beautiful, not only the ring but to watch.

Lynn unfortunately moved away, but we hear from her all the time and she's only two hours away.. Which is good.

I've heard from my parents a lot, they write rather than call. Which I don't mind, I like writing. Caleb moved out to Connecticut since that's where Yale University is. He's really excited, you can hear it in his voice when I call him on the phone.

Tobias is excited for football season this year, since it's at a different school and that it's college. All the guys are looking forward to it. But I know he'll do well and be very committed to it.

Something else he's committed to, is writing our own love story notebook. At the start of it all, I didn't think he was truly serious- not as serious about it as he really is. He loves writing it, he says. And he loves sharing it with me, and I can't lie.. I love hearing it. It beautiful to hear our love story read aloud and able to relive the memories.

I love being able to say, "Read me something." And then I hear about our first date, or the time we went to the beach. The pictures crystal clear and still feeling like it happened yesterday.

"Tris??" I hear Tobias holler from the bedroom. We're doing some summer cleaning-we missed spring cleaning. I'm dealing with all the full boxes we set in the kitchen and living room.

"What?" I call back.

"Do you really need this?" I sigh having to walk in there to see what 'this' is.

He's holding up a pink dress I haven't worn in about three years. I think I had hidden it in the back of the closet. "No. But it's so pretty isn't it?" I say taking it from him. The neckline is covered in jewels and it's such beautiful work.

"It is. But one, I highly doubt that it fits. Second, someone else could wear it, and feel just as beautiful as you do in it." Tobias says and I roll my eyes knowing he's right and the fact that he made so many good points.

"Fine." I say and toss it to him, letting him put it in the donate box.

I walk back out into the kitchen and grab a water from the fridge, setting it on the counter then pulling my hair up. Tobias comes out a few minutes later and does the same thing I did- minus the pulling hair back part.

"Did you finish?" I ask him and he nods. "We have a lot of junk." He says sitting on a bar stool. I laugh, "It's insane." He adds. "And most of it's yours." He says and I gasp-sarcastically.

"You have a lot of stuff too." I tell him, "I agree. But nowhere near as much as you." Tobias tells me and gets up, walking into the bedroom. Trying to end the conversation, getting in the last word.

I'll let him win this round, I mean what's one round?? I walk in after him and jump on the bed, snuggling up next to him. "What now?" I ask looking up at him. "Let's take a nap." He suggests. "That sounds great." I say and I'm secretly hoping that he'll read to me. And he does.

"Chapter Ten." He whispers, his breath tickling my ear.

"The news he got changed his life, in the best way possible. It was like a prisoner that finally got freedom. The chains once holding him down and back, had finally come off. " I smile to myself remembering that day, the smile on his face as he told me.

"When it came time to ask her if she'd move in with him, he was nervous. Nervous that it was too soon. That she didn't love him that much, that the answer would be no."

"But it wasn't. She had said yes, and that started what they knew as a new path into their future together." Tobias reads, sleep entering his voice.

He was right about that part, it was another path into our future. And I pray to God that the path will never end. Never get cut off, never hit a dead end. But keep going, keep going till Tobias and I can no longer keep going. Forever.

(A/N: Hey everyone!! I'm so happy to be back and really happy to be able to continue this story! Hope you all enjoy and I will say that a lot will happen in this book. Good and bad. Fair warning! :) Comment opinions below!! Thanks and luv to all!❤️ P.S- Thank you for 100k reads on If I had met you in grey!!)

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