Chapter 7~ Shopping Sunday

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Tris POV
"Just pick one!" Tobias groans, and I turn around to send him a glare. He's slouching on the cart, looking like he's in hell.

"I'm trying to decide what color." I explain. I hear him mumble 'of course' but I shake it off.

"If I'm boring you to death, go get the other stuff on my list." I tell him. Today's basically a shopping day for me, he got his school stuff last week. And just like now, I had to be bored to death while he was looking, so he can suck it up- because I did.

"Fine." He says and walks off. I smile to myself, knowing what some of the items on the list were.

I grab the notebooks I want and move to the pen/pencil aisle. I'm just about done when Tobias comes back, looking flustered. "Done already??" I ask, and he rolls his eyes.

"No, why do you guys have so many types of things??" He exclaims. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Tampons." He whispers. "Why do you guys have seven hundred brands and eight thousand types! I mean it's cotton that goes up the same hole!" He exclaims in a whisper-yell, and I'm thankful that we're the only ones in the aisle.

"Shh. And I'll grab them. What else?" I ask, placing a hand on my hip. "Shampoo. There's like so many versions of the same scent. How many 'ocean breeze's' are there!?" Tobias asks, and I laugh.

"Sorry, it's funny." I tell him. "Did you get anything?" I ask placing things in the cart, that I was carrying.

"Umm." He looks down at the list I handed him. "Yes!" He says and I raise my eyebrows-signaling to tell me.

"I got Band-Aids." He says proudly. I look in the cart, "That's not the kind I wanted." I joke.

His smile turns into a frown, "Are you serious? Damn it." He says and I laugh. "Hun, I was joking. They're fine." I tell him and he lets out a breath.

"Don't do that." He warns. I take the cart and starts towards the 'woman' aisle.

"See. Regular." I show him the box and I think he's just sick of the period aisle. "Mhm. Yeah, I'm never shopping for these again." He says and I laugh, agreeing with him.

We grab my hair supplies, and make up, then head to the food section. "Did you bring the food list?" I ask. "No." Tobias states simply.

I turn to him, stopping. "What are we gonna do now?" I ask. "We'll wing it." Tobias answers taking the cart from me. "Yeah. Because anytime you 'wing it' when it's food, we end up with a very large food bill." I tell him, but he chose's to pretend that he didn't hear me.

"You need to learn to go with the flow. Leave things up to the world." He says as I loop my left arm into his right muscular arms.

"I go with the flow. I'm spontaneous." I tell him, and he laughs. "What?!" I ask him, as he places a box of cereal into the cart.

"When? Give me three good examples." Tobias says. "Hmm..." I think and I can see him wanting to laugh- thinking he's winning.

"The trip to Paris." I tell him. "That wasn't spontaneous. You planned that." He says and I frown.

"When we danced in the rain." I say. "I'll give you that one." He says.

I kiss his cheek and we walk the rest of the store. "I think we're finished." He says and we go to check out.

Our cart is filled with paper bags when we walk out, having to take the cart with us. Tobias pops the trunk open and we place the bags in it. I have Tobias take the cart back to the cart carrel while I get in the car, buckling up and waiting for him.

"I forgot to ask you yesterday, how was the pool with the girls?" He asks strapping in as well.

"Fun. Shauna was thankful to be out and able to tan for awhile." I tell him. "I'm sure she was." He responds.

"Zeke's really excited." He says pulling out. "For the baby?" "Yeah. He's worried though, Shauna says she wants a home birth." Tobias tells me.

"Really?" I ask, not knowing this at all. "Yeah, he's scared that something will go wrong." Tobias explains, slowing at a yellow light.

"Well he has the right to be." I say looking out the window. "I mean so many things could go wrong! It's just harder than say giving birth in a hospital." I say, Tobias nods agreeing.

"Would you ever do a home birth?" He asks me. I turn to face him, "No, probably not. I'd like to be where nurses and doctors are." I tell him, and he responds with a simple 'yeah.'

I know how much Tobias wants to start a family, and I do too. But this is still early, too early for me. And I'd like to get through college before settling down, and I'd like to have that experience in life. I know that Tobias does too, no matter how much he tries to push the truth away. I know he does.

(A/N: Hey everyone... First off, was everyone able to see the chapter before this one? There was a mix up on my side so I'm just checking. Second, I was just curious, what type of things would you want to see in this story later on?? Comment or private message me! Hope this chapter was okay.)

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