Chapter 27~ Behind Backs

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Tris POV

"So." I start, the awkward silence floating in. "Why did you call me to meet you?" I ask, sitting across the table from Evelyn.

She's wearing a red blouse, with a navy jacket, and jeans. Her hair curled and laying across her shoulders. I'm wearing a grey long-sleeved shirt, a peach pair of jeans, a light peach scarf, and some grey heels. My hair's up in a simple messy bun, because I didn't feel like doing much with it today.

"I've been trying to talk with Tobias, and whenever I'm able to get him on the phone he doesn't listen." Evelyn says, spreading her napkin out on her lap. We're at a corner table in the back of a restaurant.

"I barely get my point across to him before he cuts me off and just.. goes off." Evelyn sighs, and I know what she's saying. Because I see the aftermath of those conversations.

"What's he say after those converstations anyway??" Evelyn asks, curiosity filling her voice.

"Um, he doesn't talk about them much. He gets moody and quiet I guess." I answer. 

"What does all that have to do with me?" I ask politely, wanting to get to the point. If there even is one.

"Tris, he loves you. He listens to you, not me." She begins and she doesn't need to say more, I already now what she's hinting at.

"You want me... to get your points across to him, because he'd listen to me??" I ask, making sure I got this right.

"Yes. And I think that he'd believe all those things are from you. Your thoughts, not mine." Evelyn adds, taking a sip of her water.

"I'm not going to lie to him, or trick him." I say shaking my head.

"It's not lying dear, it's just... helping me out." Evelyn says, and I scoff. Tobias wasn't kidding when she said she was a tricky woman.

"No it's not. I'm feeding him thoughts that aren't mine, in hopes that he'll want to reach out. Or do something for you." I tell her.

"Tris. You're twisting this into some... scheme. And it's not." Evelyn says, her tone annoyed yet trying to be patient with me.

"I'm not doing it Evelyn, I can't. I'm sure whatever it is.. isn't' bad. But I don't feel comfortable doing that." I say and excuse myself, walking out having a new view on my love's mother.


"She what?!" Tobias screams, shooting up from his chair.

"Calm down, I said no." I assure Tobias, grabbing a glass from the cupboard.

"I don't care about that Tris. I'm mean, I'm glad you said no... but this is about her going behind my back to you!" Tobias exclaims, anger taking over him.

"She didn't mean any--"

"Stop. Don't you fucking make excuses for her. Tris, she does whatever she can to get what she wants. And this is just a small thing, there's more. And since I don't listen..." Tobias stops himself, not knowing what else to say.

He's right. I can't make excuses for her. I'm sure none of what she'd have me tell him was bad, but the fact that she went behind his back... to someone he trusts and loves. That crosses the line.

"I'm sorry." I tell him. He shouldn't have to go through all this, and sometimes I wonder... was it better when his mother wasn't in his life?

Tobias just nods and walks into the bedroom without another word. I follow after him, the need to make sure he's fine overtaking any other common sense.


"Just, just leave me alone for a minute Tris." He says, staring out the window from the edge of the bed. He doesn't look to me, doesn't move his head at the slightest.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone right now." I tell him, and go sit beside him.

It's quiet after that, neither of us speaking or looking at each other. Minutes pass before he finally speaks, shifting his head to look at me. And that's when I see the tears glistening in his eyes.

"Why does she make it so hard?" He whispers, his voice strained with pain.

"I don't know." I tell him, choosing not to make excuses for Evelyn.

"I let her back in, despite my better judgement. And I can't help but feel like I have to watch my back. Or try to figure out if she's lying or not." Tobias sniffles, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry it's so hard. I think she's trying, but she does make it difficult for you to have any trust with her."  I say.

"I'm sorry I'm acting like this." At this I sit up.

"Why are you apologizing?" I ask, shaking my head. And I can feel my eyebrows curve in confusion.

"Because I'm bringing you into all my ridiculous shit, and then crying in front of you." Tobias says, trying to get rid of any tears left on his face.

"Tobias, look at me." I say, and he turns.

"Don't you dare apologize." I scold, keeping my voice firm yet comforting.

"We're in this together. We're in life together, and that means that we bring each other into our shit. No matter what it is, or what it does to us." I tell him, and he nods- understanding the message I'm trying to get across to him.

"I love you. Never apologize for showing emotions in front of me. I mean, it reminds me that your human." I joke and he chuckles lightly.

"Didn't know you needed that reminder." Tobias says and I smile.

"I love you." I whisper, kissing his warm cheeks.

"I love you too." He whispers back, and kisses me on the lips.

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