Chapter 29~ A Dinner that Turns

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Tris POV

"Do they have to?" Tobias asks, from the couch where he lays all sprawled out.

"Yes. I want to see them, and they haven't been to the apartment yet. Which is hard to believe." I reply, grabbing a pan from the drawer.

Tobias gets up and walks over to me. "I just don't think your father likes to me."

I laugh. "He likes you just fine, and hey. He's my dad, he's not going to like any boy I date."

"So you're saying I don't have a chance." Tobias says, paranoia in his voice.

I give him a confused look, "I didn't say that and would you calm down. It's just dinner." I say shaking my head, not being able to help the smile planted on my face. Can't help thinking how adorable he is that he's this nervous.

"I'm sorry I just-- I don't want to blow anything with your parents. I'm going to need their blessing one day and if I screw it up now then--"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, being able to feel his entire body relax. All that is tense within him seems to fade away, and pulling back leaves smile on his face. His eyes glimmering like they always do.

He tucks a strand of curled hair out of my eyes and kisses my forehead, loving the feel of his warm lips against my skin.

"I love you. Nothing will change that, no matter what happens and no matter what anyone thinks." I assure him, not looking anywhere but his dark blue eyes. The ones the look like the ocean, pulling my deeper and deeper till I'm drowning in his love. His arms, his life.

He exhales a breath of relief, and nods. Showing a bit more confidence on his face now than before. I get back to prepping dinner and Tobias goes into the bedroom to change and get ready.


"It's lovely Beatrice." My mother comments as I finish showing her the apartment, my father sitting in the living room... with Tobias. I didn't want to leave him alone, even if it was for only five minutes. But my dad didn't want a 'tour' and it didn't require two people to show a woman around a small apartment.

I grin, "Thanks mom."

I take a deep breath as we reach the men and I can see how uncomfortable Tobias is. My father sits across from him; now my father doesn't hate Tobias. But he's probably not his biggest fan.

"Tobias, do you want to help me in the kitchen?" I ask, saving him from another moment alone with him.

"Yes." He stands up, more eager to help me than he's ever before.

We get to the kitchen and Tobias releases a breath, rubbing his face with his palms.

"You okay?" I ask, grabbing glasses and plates.

"I need a drink." He mumbles, leaning on the counter.

I laugh softly, "You'll survive."

"I can't keep this going, he can't stand me Tris." Tobias tells me, as I take dinner out of the dinner.

I sigh looking up at him, "I'm going to sit right beside you. I won't leave you alone with him again, just relax okay?" I say, kissing his cheek before walking out with plates, forks and glasses.

Soon we're all seated and eating. My parents ask many questions about college and how it's going.

"So, do you work Tobias?" My mother asks, I look at him out of the corner of my eye.

"I uh-- actually just got one the other day." He says.

"What?!" I exclaim, surprised and excited.

"You knew about the job interview, but I guess I was just waiting to tell you I got it." He explains, and I smile bigger.

"That's great." I say, kissing his cheek lightly.

"So what is this new job?" My father asks.

"A systems analyst, I'm surprisingly good with computers and things in that department. And it's good pay, so I applied. Zeke got the job too." Tobias explains.

"That's-" My father cuts me off before I can finish.

"Is this your plan for a long term job?"

"No sir, I mean I'd still like to be doing something with computers in the future but I--"

"What do you want to major in? What specific job are you looking into having?" My father presses.

"Dad, let him finish talking will you?" I say, and feel Tobias rest a hand on my thigh.

"It's fine. And I would love to major in computer engineering." He answers.

"Isn't it true that you got into college based more on your athletic skills rather than academic?" My father questions, putting Tobias in the hot seat every second it seems.

"He got in on both dad, would you stop pestering him with questions like this." I say, getting slightly annoyed.

"I'm just asking reasonable questions to the boy you have chosen to live with." My father snaps, and I slam my napkin on the table.

"Just say it. Please. I know you are still somewhat bitter about all this, so just say it already." I say, as my anger boils inside me.

"I think it's inappropriate." My father tells me, and my mother sends him a look.

I know she wants to intervene in all this, but not sure what really to say. She's fine as she can be with this, it's more between my father and I.

"I think it's a horrible decision, which you were too immature to make."

"This was the best decision I've ever made, it made sense. It felt right, and I love him. That's when you know it's right." I explain, and Tobias's hand squeezes my leg as to tell me he's here.

"You don't know what love is."


"Are too young to know anything close to love, this boy won't be the person you end up with. I guarantee you that."

I stand up, the chair screeching against the floor. Walking into the bedroom I slam the door, not able to take it anymore.

Tobias was right, I shouldn't have had them over.


A soft knock on the door breaks me from my thoughts. Still in my light green dress, I'm leaned against the wall.

"Tris, it's me." Tobias's voice says, and soon opens the door.

"Hey, they left," He informs me, "You're mother apologized about him."

I shake my head. It's not her fault, and I know that she was just as uncomfortable as Tobias as I fought with my dad.

"I'm so sorry." I say, as another tear falls down my face.

Tobias sits beside me and pulls me into his embrace.

"I'm okay, I just wish the night had gone better for you. So I'm sorry." He whispers, kissing the top of my head.

"I guess my father hates me more then he hates you." I tell him.

"He doesn't hate you. You two are just going through a rough patch."

"I love you. I don't care what he says, I love you. And I'm very very proud of you for getting that job." I say, smiling up at him.

"I love you too." He says, and tightens his hold on me.

That's how we spent the remainder of the night. Sitting on our bedroom floor just holding each other.

A/N: Hey all! Been awhile since an update for this story, finally one now!! How was this one? Probably not my best... Hope it's okay.

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