Chapter 17~ Motherly Love Or Motherly Act

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Tobias POV
"Come on Tris, we're going to be late." I yell from the kitchen, where I'm waiting for her. I was waiting in the bedroom for her but she claimed I was slowing her down being in there.

"Just a minute!" She calls and I laugh shaking my head. She's been saying that for a half hour, she's had plenty of minutes.

I walk back into the bedroom and she turns to see me in the doorway. Giving me a soft smile and rushing over to her make up table we put in months ago in the corner. She grabs a crystal bottle of perfume and sprays it on.

She looks gorgeous, in an all white lace dress and sandals. Keeping the casual look but not dropping the striking part.

"What are you staring at?" She asks walking over to me, and wrapping her arms around me.

"You." I say and lean in to kiss her. I almost reach her lips when her finger stops me from moving further.

She laughs when I open my eyes, "My lip gloss silly." Tris reminds me and I roll my eyes. She walks off into the front room, probably looking for the purse she left in her earlier.

"Screw the lip gloss." I say rushing to her, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"Screw it all you want, we're going to be late and you're not getting a kiss." Tris says and walks out the door, keeping it open for me to follow her out.

I close it and lock it behind me and run down the hall to reach her side. "So why'd she want to see you? Just a dinner to catch up?" Tris asks.

We're going out to dinner, and meeting up with Evelyn. I was a bit unsure when I got the call, not wanting to go but not wanting to tell her no.

"Yeah that should be the only reason." I say as we get into the car. "Are you excited?" Tris asks placing her purse on her lap after strapping in.

I shrug, "I don't know."

"I know she's excited to see you." I say focusing on both the conversation and the road.

"Me?" Tris asks confused, looking at me.

"Yeah, she likes you."

Tris looks down at her hands that are down in her lap, and I can see the smile I put on her face.

"You should be relieved." I say. "Oh I am." Tris says right as I finish making me chuckle softly.

We sit in a comfortable silence the rest of the ride over, and getting out I get this odd feeling in stomach.

"You okay?" Tris asks, and she's already at the door. "Yeah." I say and shove my shaking hands in my pockets.

Tris walks down the cement steps and back to me, slipping her hand in mine- all of this without a single word. And sometimes actions speak louder than words.

We walk in together, each step in sync and our hands still held tight by each other. "Hello, how can I help you this evening?" A man asks, he's got to be early thirties.

"Yeah we're meeting someone here." I say.

"Name?" "Four Eaton." I say knowing I put the reservation under my name- well nickname.

"Yes. Lacy here will show you to your table." He says and a girl probably around Tris and I's age comes over. Her platinum blond hair pinned up and she's wearing the same as all the other waitresses here.

"Right this way." Lacy says and we follow.

We get to our table, and Tris and I get into the same side of the booth. Our waitress gives us menus, but somehow I'm too nervous to read.

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans. "Only six forty." Tris says sipping on her water that we had already ordered.

"You sure you're okay, I mean babe you're pale." Tris says and I curse under my breath. I didn't want anything showing what state internally I'm in.

"Just nervous." I say giving Tris a weary smile, and she gives me a kiss. Calming my nerves just slightly.

"Why?" "I don't know, I guess it's just I'm still not used to having her in my life." I tell her honestly.

Tris rubs her hand over my arm, "You'll get there. And I wouldn't expect you to be used to it right away. I mean you've been without her for so long." She says and I smile small. "Yeah, I had to get used to not having her. So now I'll have to get used to having her around." I say.

Tris nods, and kisses my cheek. "She's here."

I turn my head to see my mother walking to our table, and soon sitting across from us. Her hair is pinned up like I remember her always wearing it in my childhood, and her eyes look into me as if looking for something.

"Hi Mom." I say and my voice seems smaller than it normally is.

"Hi dear. Hi Tris, it's nice to see you again." Evelyn says and looks to Tris, breaking the stare.

"Likewise." Tris says with a slight nod, and a smile. "How's life treating you both?" Evelyn questions.

Tris looks at me and then back at Evelyn. "Well. We've been getting into the routine of school again, so that takes most of our time." Tris answers.

"Well I did have a bit of news." Evelyn says spreading out the napkin on her lap. We decided to go ahead and order.

"Good or bad?" I ask so I know how I should feel going into what ever she's planning on telling us.

"Depends on how you view it." She says taking a sip of wine, then clearing her throat.

"Your father's in the hospital. They're saying he won't make it past next week." Evelyn says.

"Why's he there?" "He got into an accident." She says.

"What kind of accident?" Tris asks. "He walked into a drug store during an apparent robbery and he like two of the other people shopping there were stabbed." Evelyn says and I hear Tris gasp just a bit. I too am surprised but my coldness for Marcus gets in the way.

"The two men working there were killed, and your father was stabbed once in the leg and once in the chest."

"Wow." I hear Tris mumble under her breath, she probably doesn't want me to know she feels bad. But I know, I mean she shows compassion for anyone. And in this case, especially.

As Evelyn's telling us this I'm looking at her intently, studying how she reacts while telling us. If there's any trace of lies or insincerity. If what she's feeling and saying is the truth, or just an act.

"Did they catch them?" Tris asks. "Sadly, not yet."

"He wants to see you." Evelyn says snapping me out of my thoughts. I scoff. "Why?"

"Because he's dying Tobias, and he'd like to see you." I shake my head. "There were times that I thought I'd die or I was dying and he didn't care. So why should I care?" I ask.

"Just think about it okay, he'd really like to see you." She says.

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