Chapter 21~ Unraveling

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Tobias POV

"Do you need help?" Tris asks from the door way. She's dressed in a beautiful black lace dress.

"I have it." I say finishing fixing my tie. I'm in a black suit, something I don't wear often.

"It's not too late to back out, you know that right?" Tris asks, walking over and wrapping her arms around me.

I sigh, "I know. But I need to go. It's the right thing." I say turning to look down at her, gazing into her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispers, her eyes closed and her face inches from mine.

I close the space, pressing my lips firmly to hers.

"May he rest in peace." I have to stop myself from visibly rolling my eyes and protesting against that.

"Do you need to step out?" Tris whispers, leaning over. Of course she would notice my uncomfortableness and frustration for having to be here.

I shake my head, crossing my arms and choose to just stay sitting here listening to all the things Marcus's co-workers and friends thought of him.

After many speeches from some of the closest to him, I fear that I will have to go up there. And like all my fears... it comes real.

"His son Tobias is here today." I sigh a heavy breath and stand, feeling Tris reach out to touch me one last time. Hoping to send some comfort and calmness into me.

I reach the podium and look at all the people out in chairs, wearing black who showed up for a man that they thought they knew.

"I was able to visit Marcus before he died. Thinking that the right thing would be for him to see his son one last time before his nearing death." I speak and as I'm looking out at all who have attended, my eyes lock on Tris's. Who beautiful blue-grey orbs, bringing confidence into myself again.

"He wanted to right all of his wrongs with me." But that new found confidence quickly vanished when I saw my mother walk in doors. A long black dress with a black shawl to cover her shoulders, and her eyes watching me speak.

"But he couldn't do that." I say.

"There were to many wrongs to right, especially with the small amount of time he had left."

I can see some of the people's expressions change, wondering where I'm going with this or what I'm even talking about. Because that doesn't sound like the Marcus they knew.

"My father... our relationship was complicated." I say, deciding on my words carefully.

"But I hope he's out of pain." I lie, and hurry to get off the stage. Sitting down next to Tris once again.

Seeing my mother from the corner of my eyes, I can see her face and the way she's looking at me.

Eventually, the whole thing is over and people leave after paying their respects.

"You did good." Tris tells me, holding my hand as we walk through the cemetery.

"No I didn't." "Yes you did. I could see that there were more things that you wanted to say, but you held back. And that takes a lot to do." She says, kissing my cheek.

"Thanks. I just... Wish people knew the real him. And didn't just see the masked him." I tell her.

"Tobias!" I hear my mother's voice behind us. Making me stop and turn.

"Hello Tris." She smiles towards Tris, earning a small "Hello" back.

"I wanted to speak to you." Evelyn says, placing her gaze back on me.

"Why did you come?" I ask her, before she can get another word in.

"Wh- I..." "Don't give me some lie. I want the truth." I tell her.

"I wanted to say a final goodbye." Evelyn says to me.

"Evelyn. You and I both know that you don't give a shit about him. So why would show up to say goodbye to a man who beat you, beat your child, and you left." I say getting angrier.

She sighs, looking down at her feet.

"I wanted... I needed to know that it was real. That that monster was truly gone." Evelyn finally answers.

"You did good speaking." She says walking away.

"What are you thinking?" Tris's voice enters my mind, freeing me of my thoughts.

"I don't know." I lie, and start to walk again. Still holding Tris's small hand in mine.


"He's gone but I'm still getting affected by him. I hate it." I say kicking a rock in front of me. Watching it fly in and hit the ground a few feet away.

"I'm unraveling." I tell her.

"Maybe this is the end." Tris says stopping.

"What?" "Maybe this is the end of it all. You're free now. The rope that kept you prisoner has unraveled and freed you." She says and I can't help but feel grateful.

Grateful to be able to call this amazing woman mine.

A/N: Hey all!! So sorry that it's been so long since my last update! I'm working hard but you all are aware of my struggles lately. I just thank you for your support and encouragement. Hopefully this chapter is okay... let me know!! And... I should post a new story soon! Also... If you might... Could you follow my other account that I'm now using for stories that aren't fan fictions?? @Hopelessromantic_1
Luv to all!❤️

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