Chapter 2~ Surprise???

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Tobias's POV
"Please!!" Tris whines. A couple days have passed, and it feels like college is just coming closer and closer.

"Where would you like to go? Did you decide that part yet??" I question. Tris has been bugging me and trying to convince me that we should go on a trip together. She hasn't given it up.. not yet anyway.

"Paris." She states simply, and I chuckle softly. "What?" Tris asks. "It just seems like the classic girl answer." I tell her, kissing the top of her head. We're laying in bed, one arm around her, the other one behind my head-propping it up.

"You very well know that I'm no 'classic' girl." Tris says and I laugh at that, because it's true.

"That's right. I almost forgot." I joke.

"So what do you think?" She asks, her greyish blue eyes looking up at me. Her eyes are one of my favorite features of hers, the way they sparkle in any light- and with no light at all. The way that melt me, from the inside out. You could call them a weakness for me, my kryptonite.

"What's so great about Paris?" I ask and she gasp. "Paris for one, is a beautiful city!" She says and I laugh at how serious she is about this.

"And second, it'd be an adventure." She says and that catches my attention, just the way she says it. The way she believes it so deeply.

"Why can't we have an adventure here in Chicago?" I ask her, wondering quite much I must add.

"Because it's the city of love." Tris says and that point is the best. It would be cool to visit a place known for that with the woman I love.

"Alright." I tell her and I watch her face light up. "Really?" She asks, her voice full of excitement.

"Yeah." She squeals at that. I kiss her lightly and she leans back on me. Falling asleep with a smile on her face.

The next morning I wake up and Tris isn't beside me. I smell two things, one is Tris's new mint and lavender shampoo-that I love! And second is something cooking in the kitchen. I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes.

"Morning sleepy head." Tris walks in a minute later, smiling and dressed in a cream colored sundress-that's hot on her.

"Hey." I say and drop my head back on the pillow. "Why are you up so early?" I ask her. She goes over to the closet and rummages through, and I'm obviously still groggy since I don't notice that it's almost empty.

"Well, it's eleven thirty, and unlike you.. I don't sleep till noon." She says and I laugh. She walks over and sits on the side of the bed, looking at me with a smile of her own. "Second, we have a flight tonight." She says and I'm confused-panicked and confused.


"Surprise?!" She says in the form of a question rather than a statement. She bites her lip, and although that's a turn on I want to get to the bottom of all this.

"What?" I demand again, and I must look angry. I soften a bit, but still stern to get her to tell it all to me.

"I bought tickets yesterday, and I thought that it would be a fun little surprise, and the fact that we could get there at night time."

I sigh and she starts pleading. "Don't be mad, please. I'm sorry, really I am. I booked a hotel and got great seats for the flight but I can cancel." She starts rambling. Looking at her, you can see how flustered she is.

"Tris." I say but she keeps babbling.

"Tris." Still talking.

"TRIS!" I yell and that stops her.

"Take a breath, please. And honey I don't think that I knew how much this trip would mean to you. If you went through all that trouble to do all that, then hell. We're going to Paris." I say and that makes her smile come back- and bigger.

She jumps on me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I hug her just as she is me, and doing so her perfume begins to intoxicate me. "Thank you." She says pulling back. I smile, and kiss her.

"It'll be fun. And romantic." I say and she nods. "I made lunch if you're hungry." She says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay, ordered. But.. I did fry up bacon this morning. That I know I can make." She says and I laugh.

"These really are good seats." I tell Tris. We just boarded our flight, packed and ready for an 'adventure'. "Yep. And look, a curtain covering the window." She says pointing to the window next to me. A navy curtain covers it, unable to see out.

Tris told me over and over not to sit in the window seat for my own sake, but I wouldn't have it. I know that she'd be able to rest on me easier this way and I want to be able to face it.

"You still okay?" Tris asks me. I smile at her concerned nature- the way Tris says I am as well.

"Hun, I told you. I'm perfectly fine." I say and kiss her nose.

She's still in her dress but has a blanket draped over her. I'm in jeans and a simple forest green tee. I brought along my navy jacket if I get cold. She leans into me and all the scents she holds that make me go crazy.. well they make me crazy.

"I love you." I tell her and she smiles. "I love you too baby." She whispers.

The plane takes off shortly after, and Tris stayed awake just to make sure I'd be okay. I told her to rest, but there's no fighting that girl.

She's asleep now, resting on my chest. I take out my notebook from my carry on bag, and open it up. Though I haven't yet finished all the chapters, I still anticipate what I'll be adding in the future.




It makes me smile knowing that I can see all those things for the future. Some people can't see all of what they'll do with the person their with now.. in the future. But I can. And that's all the motivation in the world.

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