Chapter 5~ Raining Flame

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Tris POV
"It's gonna rain." Tobias says. It's dusk now, sun setting letting the glow extend in the sky. We're at the Eiffel Tower now, thinking it would be cooler toward night time.

"No it's not." I argue.

"Tris, look at the sky." He says and I look up. I might have been exaggerating when I was talking about the glow of the sun... really there are dark clouds probably holding rain.

"I should get something." Tobias says and I look up at him. "What?" "If I'm right, and it rains. I should get something." He explains and I laugh.

"You want something?? If I win, I want something too." I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You know that's distracting right??" Tobias asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes, putting my arms down.

"Fine. Deal, what do you want?" I ask him. "Sex with you, in the back of the car." He says and I scoff at his disgusting mind. "Why would you even want to do that??" I ask and he shrugs. Must be a guy thing, a thing that's on every one of their bucket lists.

"Fine." I say. "I would like a full sex free week, and limited kissing." I say smirking myself, watching his smile fade at my bargain.

"That's a loss on your side too you know." He tells me. "Not if that's what I want." I say.

"Fine." He says and holds out his hand, I shake it firmly.

He snakes his arm around my waist and we walk on, approaching the tower.

"Wow." I breathe, shocked at it's beauty in person. "It look like it never stops going up." Tobias says.

"I want to go up, but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable with the heights." I tell him, resting a hand on his chest. "It's okay. We can go if you want." He says and I nod. We begin to walk over to where we can go up.

"Did you feel that?" Tobias asks looking up at the sky, like a weird person.

I sigh, "Feel what?" I ask with a hand on my hip.

All of a sudden, in the what is becoming of the dark of the night, it begins to pour. Not small gentle raindrops, but big heavy ones. "That!" Tobias yells over the downpour. I begin to giggle as we start running back to the car.

My giggles turn to a full on laugh, one that makes me stop and clutch my stomach. "Tris!" Tobias calls for me to keep going. I run to him, and he drags me with him, but that doesn't stop my laughing.

"Wait. Stop." I say and he does, giving me a 'what the hell' look.

"Let's dance." I say and now he gives me a look asking me if I've gone crazy. And maybe I have.

I grab his hand and pull him into the middle of the sidewalk. This sidewalk is large and wide so there's plenty of room. There's a street light to the right of us, making small rainbows when the lights reflects off the rain.

I stretch his arm out long, so that I can twirl myself with it. Soon my laugh are joined by his. "Tris Prior, you are one spontaneous girl aren't you." He says pulling me to his wet chest, which at the moment is covered by his soaked navy sweatshirt.

We're both soaked, my hair sticking to my face in places and my dress as well. My make up probably spreading, unless I actually remembered to use water proof today. Although I doubt it, I always forget on days I truly need it.

He kisses the top of my head, letting his lips linger there. Even while he's wet, he's warm. And I can still smell the cologne he uses. His hands run up and down my arms, probably in attempts to warm me.

"You know I won right." Tobias says as we spin again. "Won what?" I ask, then after saying so, it comes to me.

"It rained." He tells me and his smirk couldn't be any bigger.

"Well look at you! You're practically a meteorologist." I joke, and he spins me again.

"You have to hold up your end of the bargain." He says and I smile at him, and kiss him lightly.

The water makes our lips slippery, but that just makes us more determined. He pulls me even closer to him and I drape my arms around his neck. Pushing his face closer to mine, and while doing so he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in. Ending in me moaning, which makes him smile more- enjoying the fact that he can make me do that.

He pulls back, and looks into my eyes. "I like where this is headed, but I do believe I wanted a certain location." He says and I laugh- a real pure laugh.

"Yes. Well what are we waiting for?" I ask, maybe not all for me but for him. Because I know he's anxious and because his other 'friend' is anxious as well.

We walk to the car, not caring about the rain anymore. We get there and get in the back seat, and he pushes me down on the seats. He closes the door and locks it, then hovers over me again. With no words to say, he leans in again. His lips brushing mine, then pressing firmly on them.

Gentler than it was out in the rain, he kisses. But I'm not complaining, I still get the same effect. His lips move smoothly from my now swollen lips, to my neck. Spreading the kisses up and down it, and I can feel him whisper against my skin 'I love you'.

His hands that lay on my back, find my zipper and pull it all the way down. Tobias shrugs the dress down and throws it into the front seat. Leaving me in a lacy nude bra and panties.

He moves back up to my lips, and I unzip his sweatshirt and take off the shirt he wears underneath. I start on his pants when he starts on my bra. I haven't even gotten a look at his eyes yet, just so caught up in the kiss.

I love seeing his eyes when we do have sex, the way his blue eyes seem to get even more blue. The bolder they get and how he looks at me. With love, and how he looks only in my eyes-when I'm looking.

Here we are, dripping with rain and sweat, and having sex in the back of the car. Anything can happen here in the city of love.

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