Chapter 19~ Opal Grace Pedrad

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Tris POV
It's getting late but I'm still at Zeke and Shauna's. I'm waiting for Tobias to either show up or call, and Shauna is begging me not to leave. Claiming she needs a girl with her right now.

"Maybe his phone died." Shauna says sucking on a grape Popsicle- her fifth one today.

"Yeah maybe." I say. But all I'm thinking about is our conversation at two in the morning, and what he might have done at the hospital. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask changing the topic. "Like I'm gonna pop." She jokes and I come sit on the edge of the bed.

"But seriously, my back is killing me." Shauna says and you can see the pain in her face.

There's noise in the front room, and since the door's closed we can't see whats happening. But soon enough Zeke comes in with Tobias following. I jump up and go over to him quickly, wrapping him in my arms and feeling his head resting in the crook of my neck.

"I didn't do anything." He whispers into my ear, and a sigh of relief exits me.

I pull back to see his face, reaching a hand up and resting it on his warm cheek.

"Oh God!" We hear Shauna shriek, and turn to look at her.

Her face has become flushed and she's starting to sweat. " water. It broke, ahhhh!" She says gritting her teeth at the end, as a contraction hits her.

"It'll be okay baby. We just got to get you to the hospi--" "No. No, I want her born here Zeke. Remember??" Shauna insists as she begins to squeeze his hand, that he laid down for her.

"Yeah, um... Yeah okay." Zeke mumbles, and obviously not okay with it.

"We'll stay and help." I say and Tobias looks to me.

"Tris." He says. "What? They need us. At least for moral support, come on." I say and he nods.

"I'll go get a washcloth and some cold water." Tobias says and I make my way to the other side of Shauna's bedside.

"We're going to meet her soon." Shauna cries softly to Zeke, and tears glimmer in his eyes as well. Making my heart swell for them.

"Here." Tobias says softly coming in. He squeezes the excess water out of the lavender colored wash cloth, folds it and places it on Shauna's sweating forehead.

"Thank you Four." She says smiling, as much as she can in this level of pain.

"You sure we shouldn't call anyone babe??" Zeke asks looking at how much pain his girlfriend's in.

"I'm-- ahhhh, ughhh. I'm fine." Shauna manages to get out.

"We should get towels." I tell Tobias and we go look for some in the closet.

"This should do." I say walking in.

Shauna's in the middle of another powerful contraction, her eyes shut tight and tears being the only thing slipping out. Gritting her teeth tightly, and Zeke's hand even tighter, until she finally rides it out.

"I need... I need her out." Shauna breathes to Zeke. She's quickly approaching the time where she needs to push.

"Shauna, we have to get you into a different position." I say, because right now she's curled on her side. When she needs to be on her back and legs spread apart. I may not be a doctor, but I know that part for sure.

"Okay." She simply states, and we know she can't really talk much anymore. The amount of pain starting to consume her.

"We'll see her soon baby." Zeke whispers and kisses her cheek. Tobias rolls up his sleeves, and spreads out the blankets. I have Shauna take off all clothing below her waist, and have her spread her legs.

Now I will make clear that Tobias will end up seeing down there... But at this point in time it bothers none of us. It's not cheating nor a creepy situation. All we care about is getting Shauna and Zeke's baby out safely and soundly.

"It's another one, ahhhhhh!" Shauna manages to say before her screaming fills the room.

"Shhh, It's okay. I'm here baby." Zeke says and there's a shake in his voice. One of fear and nervousness for his love.

"Push on the next one Shauna." Tobias commands, and it surprises me. How calm he seems to be, how willing he is right now. He's staring at another woman's-- one of his closest friends-- vagina, and about to help deliver a baby.

Shauna begins to push as tears stain her cheeks, flowing too fast for Zeke to wipe away. Her screams being the now only thing besides Zeke's soft encouraging voice and Tobias saying 'push' from time to time.

"Oh gosh, it's the head. Okay keep going Shauna!" Tobias yell, his hands now covered in her blood.

I'm beside Shauna's head, cooling her and wetting her face down as much as I can.

"The head's out. Keep pushing!"

"I can't." Shauna cries, but Zeke takes her hand even harder and cries with her.

"She's almost here baby, our girl. We're going to meet her soon, just keep pushing." He tells her, giving her just enough strength to push again.

"One more big one." Tobias calls and I move down where he is. Where the bloody mess is, and the birthing truly is.

Cries fill the room, ones coming from Shauna. Ones from Zeke and now... Ones from their new born little one.

"Tris, help." Tobias says handing me the baby who's wrapped in was once a white towel.

"Zeke." Tobias calls urgently and pulls him aside.

"We need to call an ambulance." He says and both Zeke and I don't understand.

"She's bleeding out too much, I don't know how to stop it." Tobias confesses.

I look at Shauna, and I see it. The color draining from her face, the sweat pouring down her neck, and the way her eyes are getting heavy. She's slowing down... and fast. Some may be the pain mixed with shock, but her out pouring bleeding isn't in any sense good.

Zeke calls 9-1-1, and Tobias comes to help me with the baby.

Zeke goes over to Shauna, scared to death like the rest of us. He whispers things of love and support, but things like 'Don't leave me'.

"Is she going to make it?" I ask Tobias.

He looks at them, then the baby, then me. "I don't know."

I look at the baby girl in my arms. And already I can see how much she resembles both her parents, but really holding the looks of Shauna.

"What?" Zeke asks. Shauna's saying something, but it's in such a whisper no one can hear.

"They're here." Tobias says and paramedics rush in. Most going to Shauna's aid, but a good number come help us with the baby.

"They're taking her and the baby to the hospital. I'm going too." Zeke says running his shaking and bloody hands through his hair.

"It'll be okay. And we're coming too." I tell him.

"Thank you so much. And Shauna was saying the name." Zeke says and a small smile makes it's way to his face.

"Really?" "You two are the proud godparents of Opal Grace Pedrad." He says and Tobias and I grin ear to ear. They had asked us in advance to be godparents and we couldn't turn them down.

"We need to leave. We'll see you there." Zeke says running after the gurney they moved Shauna on.

And that night, Zeke and Shauna became parents. To a beautiful baby girl... Opal Grace Pedrad. Born at 11:49 pm, joining the world in her parent's bedroom, in her new home just like Shauna had hoped.

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