Chapter 3~ French Kissing

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*Short Chapter*

Tris POV
The plane landed about twenty minutes ago, and we're a car being taken to the hotel we're staying at. I know that Tobias is tired and didn't really sleep on the flight here, so I want him to be able to get a lot of sleep tonight.

"You holding up alright?" I ask him. He turns his head to look at me, "I'm fine." He says and I nod-not fully believing him. The bags under his eyes, and that fact that he's yawning every minute.. Just proves my point. The ride is pretty quiet, not an awkward quiet but a peaceful one.

The car stops within another ten minutes, and Tobias gets out first. He comes to my side opening the door for me, making me smile.

"You're getting into the romantic spirit aren't you??" I ask joking. He smirks and goes to the trunk, starting to unload. We grab our things and enter the hotel. It's beige and gold on the outside and in the lobby where we're checking in it's gold and navy. It's huge, seeming to stretch in every angle and even above us.

"Got the key, ready to head up?" Tobias asks and I nod, picking up the luggage again. "What floor?" I ask as we step into the gold and cream elevator.

"Sixteen." He says, and I hit the button. There's twenty levels so we're pretty high up.

It beeps seconds later and we step out, and the ceiling wasn't the only thing that seemed to stretch. The hallways seem like they never stop. We walk a ways before coming to our hotel room.

(A/N: I'm horrible at describing.. You've been warned. )

We walk in and surrounded by beauty. We're in the living room, which is a whitish- cream color. Gold lights on the walls, and a gold chandelier hanging above us.

A large white couch with throw pillows, a coffee table and some sitting chairs. All looking expensive but amazing. There are two large windows, with stripped curtains-matching the pattern on the pillows.

"Tris!" Tobias calls and I didn't even realize he had walked away. "You have to see this bedroom!" He says and I walk to him, but am stuck in the doorway. I'm too in awe to move.

"This is beautiful." I exclaim. It's a large bedroom, with a connecting bathroom. A king sized, white comforter covered bed sits against a designed headboard. There's a large glass window, which slides open. Taking you to the roof-the balcony. And walking out you can see the Eiffel Tower.

"It's so overwhelming." I tell Tobias. We're on the balcony, and I'm surprised he's not hyperventilating. "Yeah, it's all so pretty." He says and I smile. The sun is setting, and colors paint the sky. Leaving streak here and there, adding something to the beauty of Paris.

I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist, and turn to see Tobias. "You may have been right about Paris." He says and I laugh, "Is someone caving?" I ask joking.

"Maybe." Tobias says smirking, then leans in. Brushing his lips against mine, not giving me as much as I need. He pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

"I love you." He whispers, and I kiss him this time, getting all I need this time. The feel of his lips on mine, the love melting from them. It give me life, and new sense of life.

Divergent University {Sequel}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant