Chapter 26~ Saving the Date

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Tris POV

Ever since we got back from California- about a two weeks ago- Tobias has been in a way better mood. Smiling and laughing more, and he's more active. Going out with friends and even just wanting to spend more time with me. The trip really helped me.

I think it was also a stress reliever for him, with his father's death and his mother back in his life. She's been writing to him, and called a couple days ago wanting to meet up.

It's still hard for him to trust her, and it's understandable. Why give all your trust into someone, who could just stand up and walk away again.

"Hey Tris, Look." Tobias says walking into the living room, where I'm working on homework.

"What?" I ask, not looking up from my work.

"Save the date." Tobias says, handing me a white and red piece of paper.

Save the Date
For the Wedding Celebration of
Shauna & Zeke

"Wow!" I exclaim, Shauna never mentioned this. never told me they are planning to marry in two months.

"I know, you didn't know bout this?" Tobias asks, sitting on the couch behind me.

I don't look up for the invitation, "No, neither of them mention this." I say, smiling.

"It's bout time." Tobias jokes, walking off into the kitchen. Placing it on the refrigerator, with a sliver magnet.

I get up, and walk over to him. "You think that'll be us one day?" I ask, randomly.

He laughs lightly, pulling me closer to him.

"I know it will be." Leaning down, he presses his lips to mine.


Tobias's POV

"He knew it was time to give it to her, and he knew it was time for her to know that his love for her was for real, and for the long run. The promise ring he has engraved with something he told her early on, and was worried that she'd not understand it. Or not remember. But she did."

"It sparkled as she held it, and somehow sparkled more when it was on her finger. The promise ring wasn't just for something she could wear that was from him. It was a promise. A promise to love her unconditionally, and to love her till---"

"Tobias?" Tris asks, her voice soft and low- but not asleep.

"Yes Beautiful."

"Your mom called you earlier didn't she??" Tris questions, looking up at me. Even though we have no lights on, and it's dark in the room I can still see her.

I sigh. I got a phone call about two hours before we went to dinner, I must've seemed different and now she wants to ask about it.

"She did." I say, my voice a bit irritated.

"What'd she say?"

"Tris. What does it matter?" I sigh, reaching my arm to turn on the lamp.

"Because this happens every time she calls, or wants to see you." Tris says, sitting up.

"What happens??"

"This! You get... you get upset. Or you get quiet. And when you do, you push me away and close yourself off. Making it so that I can't get in." Tris explains, and she's not looking at me anymore. But instead looking at her fingers, laying in her lap.

"I'm sorry okay, that's just how it goes." I tell her.

"But it shouldn't be." I sigh loudly at that.

"Tris, not every thing is easy okay. Not every thing is supposed to be smooth and easy, especially not with my mother. You can't expect me to be perfectly fine after seeing her or even hearing her voice." I say.

"I've forgiven her, but that doesn't mean that the hurt and memories just disappear." I add.

"I'm sorry. I just want to help you, and then you close yourself off and then I can't. And I-"

"I'll try not to close you off as much." I tell her, and she looks up.


"I promise." I say, and turn the lamp off.

Tris snuggles back up with me like the conversation never happened.

"Can you read some more??" Tris asks and I nod, kissing her head.

"He never told her all he was promising to her. Maybe because he thought he'd scare her with all them, but maybe it was because there were just too many to say." I begin again.

"He promised to be there, whenever she needed him, he'd be there. He promised that no matter what they were going through, or whatever they were facing... he wouldn't run. He wouldn't leave her."

"He promised that life with him wouldn't' be easy, but it wouldn't be pointless. They'd argue, they'd yell. But at the end of the day they'd still love each other."

A/N: How was this one??? Felt a bit better bout this one... but still just so unsure of myself!

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