Chapter 14

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A/N I do not own Glee
Water was splashing everywhere as I ran through the puddles. Rain was pouring this gloomy evening in Lima. I didn't even have an umbrella. My mom is probably worried sick. Along with the man I abandoned at Breadstix. Sebastian Smythe. I didn't want to, but it had to be done. Now I was running to another man. I had to make it to him.

"KURT!!" I shouted as I saw his figure speed walking away from me. I ran and luckily caught up to him.

"Kurt, listen to me it-"

"Then what was it? Admit it Aria! You're on a damn date with the freakin enemy!!" Kurt exclaimed. He sighed in frustration as he dragged me into his dad's car that he borrowed.

"First off, I wasn't on a date! I was just hanging out with him. And for once in his entire life, he didn't seem like a total, excuse my language, but he didn't seem as douchey as he normally is. He was actually quite nice and genuine." I say as I replay the night before it was harshly interrupted.

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