Chapter 23

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She never called after that night. No texts either. We've had no contact whatsoever. The only time I even hear her name is when my mom asks about her. Asks if we are still dating. Do I reply? No. I just continue on with my life as if Aria doesn't exist. I admit, it's hard.

It's mid afternoon on a Sunday. Usually, Aria would come over for dinner later. She'd tag along with our family as we have our Sunday night moviethon. But that stopped. It stopped two months ago to be exact. I found something else as addicting as Aria.

"Mom, I'm going out." I stated as I grabbed my keys and head out the front door. Once I was in the car, I fixed my mirrors and couldn't look away from my reflection. My scruff that I haven't found the time to shave. Bloodshot eyes. Bags under my eyes from tiredness. My gaze then turned to what was in my car. Unfinished homework assignments. I skipped school more often because of my new addiction. Empty bags that were once filled with chips and crackers. I was always craving snacks.

I put the car in ignition and quickly sped out of the driveway. Without thinking, I drove to the familiar dark alleyway. I parked my car at the near by convenient store, then walked towards the alleyway. The stench of marijuana filled the ominous atmosphere. Before I walked down the alleyway, a man in his 30's stumbled out from the dark. He was giggling and wasn't walking straight. He looked, in a bliss. Something I needed. Especially since the one source of bliss was gone.

I sniffed my way to the end of the alleyway, where the smell of weed got stronger. Making sure I had what I needed, I pat my back pocket for my wallet. I jogged up to the old and hidden apartment. It was rotting and has been abandon for years now. It wasn't until a good friend of mine introduced me to the guy who hid in this "apartment". Jeff's older brother. The stoner who I used to be wary around. Now I can relate.

My fists knocked on the door three rapid times. That's how he knew what you came for. The good stuff.

A middle aged man opened the door. He looked cautious before opening up his coat to reveal the bags of weed.

"Back again, I see. Well come on, come on. Let's make this quick." he said in that high pitched, frantic voice. He kept checking his surroundings as I pulled out fifty dollars. He snatched it out of my hand, gave me a bag, then slammed the door. I hid the marijuana in my pocket and tried to mask the smell with axe. Then, I ran back to my car and drove off to the community park, knowing it was going to be empty.

When I got there, I noticed a group of teenagers around my age standing around. Without a care in the world, I got out the car and went to a picnic table covered in graffiti. That's how it was in this part of town. Thank gosh I didn't grow up here.

Before I had the chance to pull out my dad's lighter from my pocket, a rough hand clamped on my shoulder. I looked up to be greeted by a familiar face. Familiar faces that is. All the teenagers were surrounding me, but I didn't recognize their facial features under the streetlight. But they sure as hell seemed to recognize me.

"Well if it isn't the wannabe Jesse McCartney. " a voice I knew all too well commented. Santana. The New Directions. What the hell are they doing here? I began to see them clearly now, since I could recognize them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I hissed out while attempting to hide my dope. Puck shrugged and shoved his hands in his pocket before speaking, "An assignment for school."

"UGH what's that smell?!?" Rachel shrieked while pinching her nose shut. Finn gave me a look of disgust. It was his hand on my shoulder. He snatched the bag of weed out of my hand and threw it in the park trash can.

"Are you seriously getting high?!" he said while shaking his head. I scoffed. Although I don't want to admit it, this was the only was I could get over Aria. Yeah, you heard right. I still love Aria.

"What do you expect me to do?!" I shouted back. I ran a hand through my hair. ever sine she left, it's been hard. My parents have been getting into a lot of arguments. They would fight about everything and anything. I would turn to Aria, but she isn't there. I was too stubborn to call or text her, but when I did, I never got any type of reply.

"We expect you to visit her in the damn hospital!" Rachel shrieked. Hospital? What is she talking about?

"What do you mean hospital?" I asked wheel rising to my feet. Rachel looked down while Santana's eyebrows were knitted together.

"You don't know what happened did you?" Rachel asked with sympathy in her voice. Finn held her close to him and rubbed her back.

"She got ran over after she chased after you." Kurt answered forming out of the shadows. The New Directions ran and circled around him. He obviously just got back form seeing her.

"How is she?!" I asked while nearly tackling him. He slightly pushed me off.

"She's fine, but still unconscious. The doctor said she should wake up in a matter of three months, but her leg isn't going to heel anytime soon. Her legs were completely crushed. Not going to be a shock if we see her in a wheel chair." Kurt explained while rubbing his eyes.

"This is my fault, I shouldn't have been upset with her love life. I'm such a bad friend..." Kurt sobbed out. Blaine held him close.

"It's getting late. We should get going." Rachel said as Finn and she walked off into the darkness.Everyone else seemed to do the same and it wasn't long until I was alone in the park as the faint smell of weed reminded me. I jogged back to the car and drove home. Before I got out, I quickly gathered my school work and put it in my messenger bag, which I never took out of my car since forever. I picked up the trash of empty snack bags and umped them in the garbage when I got inside my house. Drugs were the last thing on my mind.

I quietly walked upstairs to my bedroom and changed into some sweats. After I shut the lights off, I hopped under the covers and my bed. Sleep came easy. Probably because I was dreaming of the girl I'll probably never see again. Aria Rogers.

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