Chapter Two - That's Life

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So I just couldn’t help myself here. I got so excited about this story, I just had to post some more. I don’t know that I’ve ever done a double post? Woo! Well anyways, you get introduced to Hunter in this one. It’s kind of cliché, and messy, and I’ve got to work on fixing that. Comment? Vote? Thanks!


Chapter Two: That’s Life

Eight Years Later...

Blaring gently, the speakerphone in the grocery store played a familiar song overhead.

That’s Life (that’s life),

that’s what all the people say.

You’re riding high in April,

shot down in may.

But I know I’m going to change that tune,

When I’m back on top, back on top in June…”

The thing was: Annabelle Jennings wasn’t a good dancer.

Before, whenever she danced, it was in the confines of her own shower, while she blindly shrieked lyrics to whatever song was stuck in her head. And even in those moments, she was very diligent in making sure she was completely alone. She locked the doors, closed the blinds – anything. Annabelle would do anything for a little freedom.

There were, however, a few instances where a song came on, and Anna just couldn’t help but to sway her hips. Ask James. He had seen the atrociousness that was her dancing. It wasn’t her fault, she would argue, there was good music out there, in the world. What could you do?

Slowly, she grew to realize that she would embarrass herself more times than she would ever like to. But her dancing was so horrid; she had to limit herself somewhat. Thusly, Anna tried to minimize the public boogieing.

She didn’t think anyone else was in that grocery isle, on that fateful day, when That’s Life by Frank Sinatra filled her ears. The soft chuckling behind her proved otherwise, however.

She groaned. “It’s not like I expected, or even wanted, to come to the supermarket, hear this song, and jerk awkwardly to the beat.”

I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king.

I’ve been up, and down, and over, and out, and I know one thing.

Each time I find myself laying flat on my face;

I just pick myself up and get back in the race!”

Anna glanced at her grocery list. Next up were Honey Nut Cheerios. The cereal was located just a few shelves up. If only she could just…jump…up…and…

“Agh!” She staggered backwards a few feet, recovering from the pathetic attempt. When that recognizable chuckling commenced, Anna could practically feel her blood pressure rising.

Anna swiveled around to see the culprit. “You!” She shrieked upon facing the back of a man in a long, dark, fashionable trench coat. “Why don’t you come here and laugh to my face?” She called to the figure, which was shaking with laughter. “Hey Sherlock!” She yelled, growing annoyed. “I’m talking to you!”

The man turned towards her. “Sherlock?” he asked. A flurry of thoughts bombarded Annabelle Jennings’ mind. Something along the lines of:

1.        Boy, he has a nice face.

2.        Boy, he has a nice voice.

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