Chapter Seven - Tessa's

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Sorry for the lateness! It’s up though? And it’s kind of long? Yeah?

Anyways, I hope you like it! Just a few days away from vacation – and I’m dying for it to begin already. But all in good time – I guess!

Let me know what you think! Comments are greatly appreciated! Thanks,


Chapter Seven: Tessa’s

“I’ve got a date tonight,” Riley wagged his eyebrows, walking into the Chemistry room casually.

Anna snorted. The last time she had a date on a Friday night…she didn’t even remember. It was probably with Kai. She scowled, and then it dawned on her – it was Friday! “Wait? Tonight?”

“Is what I just said,” Riley took his seat next to Clara.

“Damn it,” Anna mumbled to herself, remembering the dinner at Tessa’s.

“What’s wrong?” Clara furrowed her eyebrows, looking curiously at her.

“James’ brother is getting married,” she explained. “And his fiancé made surprise reservations at Tessa’s, for dinner tonight. God knows why she asked me, but I needed a +1.” Anna looked to Riley. “I was going to ask you, so you could get out this weekend, but…”

“Sorry, Anna,” Riley smirked, not looking sorry in the slightest.

“He’s going to have mad sex with Yvonne,” Clara grinned slyly. “Courtesy of yours truly, of course.”

Anna grimaced at them. “Hey Ty,” Anna smiled sheepishly. “You up for it?”

He rolled his eyes at her. “As much as I love being a second choice,” he said sharply, joking with her. “I’ve got my own plans. Plus, James hates me anyways.”

Anna snorted, reminiscing back. It was freezing the day that James decided he hated Tyler. Anna’s car was in the shop, and while no one else seemed to want to drive her around, Tyler kindly offered. It was a shame that the front steps, leading to James and Anna’s place, were icy. Just as she was walking out, Anna slipped, and Tyler caught her. He did, however, make the mistake of catching her waist, while Anna made the mistake of leaving the door wide open.

If it weren’t for the initial shock of seeing a strange man’s arms around her hips, James would have surely started a brawl.

“What’re you up to then?” Clara asked.

Tyler grinned. “Beer and a Willis Marathon.”

“You’re going to leave me to die at the hands of the Gallagher family, for Bruce?” Anna gasped, suppressing her laugh.

“I’m sorry, Annabelle,” he gave a dramatic sigh. “You just don’t do it for me. Not like Bruce-y does.”

The four of them broke out into a laughing frenzy. “Clara? Do you want to be my lesbian lover for a night?” Anna asked, smiling.

“Sorry, Annie,” she shook her head. “I’ve got a hot date, too, actually.”

Anna’s eyes widened; it seemed that everyone and their brother had plans that day. “Oh! Details!”

“Gorgeous piece of hunk,” she gushed. Tyler and Riley gave annoyed groans on cue, but Clara didn’t stop. “Beach boy looks that do not originate from Montana, I’m sure of it.”

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