Chapter Twenty-Six - Finally

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Oh ho, ho! Wow, you guys are amazing! Thanks for all the votes and comments!

I know I said I would try and post more over break…but that just didn’t happen. My excuse this time is lame, as I was just being a lazy ass and sleeping for an atrocious amount of hours daily. At least I’ve caught up on all those sleeping hours lost to exams!

Anyway, I hope you don’t hate me too much for not uploading quicker, and I hope you don’t hate me too much for not uploading a lot this time. The chapter is short, but it sort of needs to be here on its own, so I’ll leave it at that, and let you go on!

Comment please! Thanks!


Chapter Twenty-Six: Finally

“Let’s finish this,” Vick grumbled in his rumpled suit; had it been any other case, he would’ve felt shameful for having not been clean cut and pressed. But goddamn it, Vick hated Hunter’s wife, and he hated Cora’s lawyer even more – and this was from a man who rarely hated anything.

Perhaps it was the fact that his emotions were running high, since the night he went home with Clara. Clara Wallace – just the name felt sweet on his tongue. To be honest, they didn’t even make it all the way back to her house; the woman was a complete nut, and it made him feel alive for once.  Vick had never given a woman a second glance, but those past few days, he could not keep his eyes off of her.

Please,” Cora drawled, sitting beside her lawyer in the airport. Devastated to hear Anna and Hunter get along for the rest of her stay, she could not wait to get back to New York – to get back to her life. Eureka made Cora want to eat Chinese at three in the morning, and throw pebbles at the pigeons in Central Park. She wanted to yell at a prostitute on the side of the road and wait in outrageously long club lines – anything but run on a treadmill next to Grandma I-don’t-know-how-a-phone-works, as she yells at her grandchildren about bundling up when they went sledding.

“Just show me where to sign,” Hunter said, clapping his hands together eagerly. He, also, could not wait for this transaction. When Cora’s lawyer pushed a paper towards him, Hunter didn’t even care. He signed the first line he saw, and then pushed it back to his soon-to-be-ex wife, who bitterly signed it as well.

“Congratulations, Mr. Drake,” Cora’s lawyer smiled primly, the venom of a middle-aged woman with a divorce of her own in her tone. “You are now a divorced man. Though it will take a few weeks to get the papers processed, of course.”

“How’s it feel, Hunter?” Anna smirked from where she stood behind him in the otherwise vacant lobby. The first flight out of there was early in the morning, and though Anna was not excited about driving them all to the airport, she was certainly ready for it. “To be rid of a pesky woman like her has got to feel great, right?”

Cora, who was still in hearing range, growled under her breath. “Come on,” she told her lawyer. “Let’s board already. I can’t stand being in this hostile atmosphere any longer,” she gave Anna a pointed look before moving away in those man-eater heels of hers.

“I am not looking forward to that plane ride,” Vick muttered as he stood from his seat and faced Anna and Hunter. The three of them, Cora, her lawyer, and Vick were all on a one-way ticket to New York, New York – and he hoped to god that he was seated as far away as possible from those two witches.

“You’re welcome to stay,” Anna offered, having heard Clara’s raves about how sensual and charming Vick was. She hadn’t ever heard her friend talk about a man so adoringly, and Anna did not want for it to be a one-time thing – not while Clara liked him as much as she did. And Vick – he had to like Clare. He just had to. She was everything a woman could be; there was no possible way he couldn’t like her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2012 ⏰

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