Chapter Five - Tuesdays

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So, I’m not too ecstatic about this chapter. Sorry, it’s mostly a ‘filler’, but I couldn’t just move right on to the next thing. I already think I’m going very fast in this story. What do you think?

Anyways, let me know how you like it!


ps. the song? it's skinny love by bon iver. got nothing to do with the chapter, but i just love it<#

Chapter Five: Tuesdays

“I hate Tuesdays.”

“I know you do, Hon,” Clara smiled apologetically.

“No. You don’t understand. I hate Tuesdays. Bad things always happen on Tuesdays.”

“Suck it up Anna,” Riley groaned. “We’re all here. None of us want to be, but we’re all here.”

“Dang,” she widened her eyes at him. “What’s wrong with you?”

Riley sighed and took a sip of his water. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, running his hands frantically through his hair. “She keeps bitching at me about the dumbest things.”

“Language!” Anna hissed. “We’re in a school!”

“There aren’t any kids around,” he grimaced. “And it’s the only suitable word for it!”

“What’d she do now?” Tyler groaned.

“Yesterday,” Riley began, an irritated look inhabiting his face as he remembered. “She made me sleep on the couch. In my house. Because I didn’t empty the damn dishwasher.”

“Dump her,” Tyler frowned. “Dump her hard.”

“Excuse me!” Anna interjected. “I know there aren’t any kids around, but I still don’t condone the language. It doesn’t seem right,” she shuddered. “Like cursing in a church.”

“Or sex in a church,” Clara grinned.

“See!” Anna pointed accusingly at her. “That’s what I mean!”

“Well, for one,” Tyler laughed. “None of us care, as awful as that is.”

“Two,” Riley joined him. “This place is hardly a church.”

“And three,” Clara said finally. “You’ve never had sex in a church, Anna. You don’t know what you’re missing,” she sighed dreamily.

“I’m going to not take that literally because four,” Anna told them. “The metaphorical meaning is so much deeper.”

“Back to the matter at hand,” Tyler changed the subject, just as swiftly as Anna had. “Yeager, you’re letting this girl walk all over you. And I’d get it if she were the type of girl who’d be worth being whipped for,” he said without thinking. “Sorry,” he winced, remembering that Riley actually liked Catharine sometimes. “But she’s really not worth it. Or so it seems, anyways.”

“As dumb as Tyler is,” Anna said, taking the opportunity to insult him. “He’s got a point. Riley, half the women here would leave their lives behind for you,” she said sincerely. “What the hell are you doing with Catharine?”

Oh,” Tyler scoffed. “So Miss I-don’t-curse-because-children-are-pure-creatures is breaking her own rule now! Riles, this has got to be a sign!”

“Shut up and eat your celery,” Anna scowled.

“Riley,” Clara addressed. She was, after all, the professional of the group, even if she didn’t act like it sometimes. Clara was, after all, licensed to do these types of things – to give advice. “Just do it. Sever the arm. It’s going to be so much more relieving.”

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