Chapter TwentyTwo - Broken Boundaries

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Hey :)

Woot! A chapter! Okay, not that exciting...and I still feel awful about not uploading as much. But hey; that's life.

I still hope you guys are sticking with me though! I'm planning on also uploading 'Why I Hate...' also - I already have the chapter written out, it just needs a little tweaking. So a double upload today! That's sort of exciting, yeah?

Okay. Not that exciting.

Ah, well. Have fun anyways :) Let me know what you think!


Chapter Twenty-Two: Broken Boundaries

“Damn it, Anna,” Hunter called against her bathroom door. “Open – the – door.”


“Stop being such a child!” He growled, giving the wall a frustrated punch.

He’d been there for a good ten or fifteen minutes, trying to get her to forgive him – even though he still didn’t fully understand why she was mad at him for telling her to talk things out, while in reality, she should’ve been mad at him for being an insensitive asshole.

James had long since gone over to Kristen’s house for a date, and now they were completely alone in the house. Thusly, Anna was allowed to be as stubborn as she wanted – without the interference of James. This was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up.


“I will break this door down.”

“No,” Anna snorted this time. “You won’t.”

She was right though; it’s not that he couldn’t break the door down – but James would’ve personally murdered him, and then brought his ghost back to replace the door – and that didn’t include Anna’s rage for it.

And then an idea popped into Hunter’s head, which made him feel down-right stupid. He grabbed his wallet and pulled out his ID, using it to masterfully unlock the door. Swinging it open, he walked right in, and turned around abruptly when she screamed.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

“I didn’t know!”

Anna was, yet again, grateful for the bubbles that covered her from the shoulders down. And yet again, she was angry that everyone thought it would be okay to waltz in on her, taking a bath. “I told you not to come in,” she huffed, looking up at him.

Hunter warily turned towards her, trusting that she’d covered herself up more, and sighed with relief when he saw she’d sunk into the water more. “Didn’t you make James buy a shower curtain?”

“Yeah,” Anna glared at him, crossing her arms. Hunter looked at her expectantly, gesturing towards where there was no curtain, and Anna sighed. “I’m too short…”

“You could just stand on a chair or something -,” he suggested, and when Anna looked away with an angry expression, he stopped. “Anna?”

“What?” She snapped, still not looking him in the eye.

“I was saying you could just get a chair and -,” Hunter repeated himself, but when Anna only became more upset, he stopped again. “Anna? Are you…are you afraid of getting on a chair?”

She turned towards him abruptly, causing the bathwater to shake. “So what if I am?” She demanded. “Everyone has at least one irrational phobia – so what?!”

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