Chapter Ten - Saturday Night Lights

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Hello! :)

Chapter 10! Double digits already! How do you like this so far?

Sometimes, I just don’t know about this story. First I’m having trouble with it, and then I can’t stop writing! I think I’ll stick with this story a little while though. When I’m not ready to rip my hair out, I’m really enjoying myself.

It’s crazy but hey, Frankie said it best.

That’s life! :)



ps. i love david bowie. if you haven't heard this song, well crap. i don't know what to say.

Chapter Ten: Saturday Night Lights

“What the hell are you doing?”

“You don’t have a desk in your room,” Hunter frowned up at Anna.

“We’re about to have dinner!” She screeched angrily. By the look of it, the scattered papers all over their dining room table were important.

“Seriously, Hunt,” James called from the kitchen. “Move your shit before Kristen gets here.”

Sighing, he began to gather the documents. This was one cruddy vacation; he had to look over a load of papers his company had sent over already. They didn’t waste a minute; he rescheduled his meeting the night before, and it wasn’t even 24 hours later that he was working. Hunter deeply regretted leaving an address on file.

Anna plucked a paper off the table and scanned down it. “Gosh, you like reading these things?” she groaned.

Hunter snatched it back away from her. “What did I say to give you that impression?” he scowled. As if he wanted to be working! Please.

“You said you loved your job,” she shrugged.

“I do,” he clarified. “But I don’t love this,” he waved around the massive stack of papers and walked back to his room to drop them onto the floor. Not only was the room a minty green color, but it also had the inconvenience of not housing a desk. But Hunter wouldn’t complain; the fact that he was even in a room, at all, was miraculous.

“You two should get lost after dinner,” James said, reaching for a set of plates.

“You two?” Anna snorted. “As if. I will gladly call Clara, and ask if I can hang out at her place. Or better yet, Tyler,” Anna waited for an argument from James, but he only made a disgusted face. “But I’m not taking your buddy anywhere, just so you can make out with my best friend.”

“I thought I was your best friend,” James gasped.

“Oh, right,” Anna laughed. “But that just goes without saying, Jamie.”

“Damn right, it does,” he grunted. “Just take him out Anna, he doesn’t know anything here. Drive down to Rexford, or something.”

“To see The River? James, I’m pretty sure New York has its own rivers. Have you ever heard of the Hudson?”

James narrowed his eyes at her. “Not to see the damn river, smartass. There are always parties down by the waters though. Come on, Annie. He needs to get out.”

Anna sighed. “I agree to let him stay over for this. I don’t want to have to babysit the guy.”

“Then ask Clara! She could be his date,” James pleaded with his eyes. “And you could take Riley, or Will – someone – anyone you want.”

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