Chapter TwentyFive - As If

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Yes. This means (hopefully) more frequent updates. It might take me a little bit to get back into the swing of things though, so no promises yet.

Anyways, I’m really pleased with all the support I’ve been getting from you guys! :) I just love getting your comments and votes and fans, and it’s been awesome lately! Thank you!

And without further nonsense: Chapter 25! Enjoy!


 PS. Hehe, sorry for what I'm about to do to you guys...

Chapter Twenty-Five: As If

Throb. Throb. Throb-throb. Throb-throb. Throb-throb-throb-throb…

Hey,” a muffled voice. “Anna? Wake up –,”

All at once, Anna startled awake, her head throbbing in sync with her heart as she looked up to Hunter, bent over the couch with a worried expression on his face. The blinding light of the afternoon filtered through the window, around his face, and onto her skin, warming her. He looked almost angelic.

“Yeah,” he said, smiling at her. “You’re welcome for this morning, Ms. Jennings.”

Anna’s eyes widened marginally, and the throbbing in her head seemed to be much faster, now that her heart had completely stopped. “What?” She blurted, oh so intelligibly.

He stood up, his own coffee in hand. “Cora’s an early-morning person. And you, well…you drank a lot last night. I had to wake up early, just to stop her from waking you up,” he grinned proudly. “Just imagine what that headache would be like at six in the morning…”

“Gimme,” Anna reached for his coffee as he sat down by her feet. Hunter sighed, but let her have it anyways. She had, after all, taken in not only him, but his wife too. The last night, since Cora was already fast asleep, and James and Kristen, and Vick and Clara were all gone, he slept in James’ bed, feeling well rested. “Thanks,” Anna moaned, feeling the drink wake her up as it burned through her throat.

“You don’t need to thank me,” Hunter shrugged. “I should be thanking you…with Cora being a pain and all…”

“You woke up before 6:00AM just so I could sleep in, Hunter,” Anna shook her head, stopping him. “Thanks, okay?’ Hunter chuckled, and nodded, accepting it. “Where’d she go?” Anna asked, after another long, warm sip, clearly referring to Cora with her derisive tone.

Hunter sighed, “She’s still in your room, talking away the minutes with a girl friend of hers.”

Anna nodded. “And Vick?”

“Still at Clara’s,” he smirked. “I think you, me, and Cora might’ve been the only three people in this town who didn’t have sex last night.”

Anna choked, remembering her dream, and when she started a spurt of coughs, she made a bleary noise and flopped back down onto the couch.

 “Well, I’m not sure yet,” she winced, the headache pounding through her entire being now. “James keeps wuss-ing out of actually having intercourse with Kris. I’ll have to get the report from her tonight.”

“God,” Hunter laughed. “He is such a sissy.”

“I’d stand up for him, but I can’t seem to think right now. And you might just be a little bit right,” her mind only seemed to yell at her as she talked though, and Anna just couldn’t take not knowing any more. “What exactly happened last night, Hunter?”

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