Chapter Fifteen - Amends...Sort Of

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Ah! Chapter Fifteen is finally up! Sorry if it’s a long wait!

I’ve been on a little writers block with this story, but don’t worry! It’s nearly gone!

And I’ve put a cast to the side – let me know if you like it or not! I’m still on the fence about some of the actors and actresses, but I’ll start putting pictures to the side also. Today’s Anna :)

I really hope you enjoy this one! Feel free to comment; I love hearing back from you!


 PS. The song is Brackett, WI by Bon Iver. I LOVE THIS BAND. Vernon is a freaking genius. I fall asleep to his voice every single night. No joke. It's beautiful. Just take a listen.

Chapter Fifteen: Amends..Sort Of

Deciding that she would milk it as much as she could, Anna got James to buy a very nice looking couch, which was equally comfortable. She thought it as a miracle, and with Kristen beside her, they convinced him despite the hefty price tag.

“We needed a new couch anyways,” James shrugged.

Clapping her hands happily, Anna squealed with joy for a moment, before placing a grave expression on. “I swear to god, if you defile this couch with your indecency, I will murder you.”

“I won’t!” James blushed.

Anna looked to Kristen, who was equally embarrassed and avoiding eye contact. “Oh my gosh,” she exhaled. “You guys haven’t had sex yet?!”

The whole store went eerily silent as James shushed her.

Anna frantically looked to Kristen. “Why haven’t you two done the deed? Don’t tell me he can’t get it up -,” she looked back at James. “Jamie, tell me you don’t have those problems!”

James paled even more. “I don’t!” he hissed. “And would you shush?!”

“We just haven’t had the time,” Kristen explained.

“Haven’t had the time,” Anna scoffed, hitting the back of James’ head. “What’s the matter with you?! Make time, you idiot! Women have needs -,”

“Please,” he begged, choking on a dry mouth. “Please stop talking.”

“James, why don’t you, um, go pay, or something,” Kristen babbled.

Seizing the moment, James darted away from them, and Kristen let out a long breath. “So?” Anna asked, impatient. “What’s the deal? Start talking.”

“You know,” Kristen laughed. “For someone who was so against us having sex, you sure are supportive now.”

“First of all,” she narrowed her eyes at her friend. “I was against you having sex on my couch. And I’m worried! I want you guys to stay together, you’re my best friends. You hang out incessantly, but you haven’t rolled in the sheets yet? What’s that about?”

“I told you,” Kristen sighed. “He’s been busy, and I’ve been busy. And we’re both going to be busy for a very long time.”

“But it doesn’t take a long time -,” Anna began.

“I know,” Kristen interrupted her. “But ever since you walked in on us, James wants it to be special.”

Anna burst out laughing. “He wants it to be special?! Oh my gosh, he is a girl!”

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