Chapter Eleven - In Sickness

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Chapter Ten is here! It’s kind of short, actually…

Sorry! :)

It’s okay though, I think. I enjoyed writing this part, and I hope you enjoy reading it!

Thank you all for all the support I’m getting. Your comments and votes mean the world to me!


Chapter Eleven: In Sickness

Anna woke from her nap and looked out the window for a moment before a voice pulled her out of a short reverie.

“I hate you for this.”

“Lighten up,” Anna grimaced, turning to look at him. “You had fun, didn’t you?”

“That’s beside the point,” Hunter grumbled, pausing to blow his nose. “I’ve got a load of papers to go over, and now I can’t even stare at something for more than a few minutes before getting a headache.”

Anna snuggled into her blanket. “Quit your whining and be a man, would you?” she snapped. “You’ve still got months to look over your damn papers. I’ve got to go to work tomorrow, and I don’t get the comfort of a bed. At least you’ve got that.”

“I don’t have months,” Hunter snapped back. “I’ve got a week.”

Anna smiled for a moment. “But you did have fun, didn’t you?”

“I told you that’s beside the-,”

“No,” she interrupted him pointedly. “It’s not. Did you, or did you not, have fun?”

Her eyes were narrowed at him challengingly, and for a while, he held that challenging gaze.  But then he caved, because she was right.

He did have fun. The moment his skin broke the chilling surface of the water, it was like he was high. The cold enhanced every single one of his senses. The tree lights were brighter, the music louder, and the subtle smell of her perfume – even more intoxicating than before. It was utopia, albeit a freezing utopia.

Hunter looked away from her, and Anna rejoiced. She was right! It only took her to get everyone to chant his name, and some more coaxing, but seeing him flush in embarrassment was well worth it. He enjoyed himself, and he was discomfited!

“Aha!” She sprang up to a sitting position. “Say it – say how awesome I am. Say it!”

“My god!” he flinched at her words and the volume of them. “Sh!”

“Not until you say it!” she grinned wickedly. “Say it, Hunter. Say it!”

He closed her off from his mind, and simply walked back to his room to try and get those papers read. His company needed those revised and sent back to New York before the end of the week, and that mind-numbing headache of his wasn’t creating an easy atmosphere.

Anna, on the other hand, was enjoying her cold as much as one could while having a cold. She didn’t have to think about her situation at school; she was in no state to make decisions, she told herself. That being said, Anna was ready to go on yet another bath. James was worried about her taking two baths in a row, yet here she was taking her fourth? Fifth? She had lost count. Thank goodness he wasn’t home to scold her about it – or worse!

He might’ve wanted to talk about it.

Communication was important, she thought, but not while one party could barely breathe without breaking into a fit of coughs or sneezes. Yes, thank goodness James wasn’t home.

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