Chapter Nine - Amends

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I don’t know about this chapter. It took me forever to write. I just couldn’t decide how it should go…

And I’m still not sure. Let me know you how you think it is – I’m thinking of rewriting it.

Anyways – I LOVE YOU! Have I said it before? Yes? Well, it’s true. I love you guys, and all the feedback you’re giving me. I’m absolutely giddy with all your comments and votes! :)



Chapter Nine: Amends

“Who are you?”

Internally, Hunter groaned. He didn’t come to Eureka to answer primal questions. Yet it would’ve been rude to ignore the guy. “Hunter Drake,” he said politely, with a curt smile.

“What are you doing here?”

“Not drinking,” he sighed. “I forgot my wallet.”

“I haven’t seen your face around town,” the guys said, and poured a drink. “But I could spot a guy who needs a drink from a mile away, and you, Hunter Drake, look like you need a drink.”

“Thanks,” Hunter smiled to the bartender, grateful for the alcohol.

“So why are you drinking, all alone, on such a fine day, in such a fine town?”

Hunter shifted uncomfortably. The guy was being so nice – was that how all the people here acted? Not Anna, he thought. “Just a little trouble with a friend,” he said, not knowing if he could even call her that. The man arched an eyebrow curiously. “I’m not from around here,” he explained, deciding it wouldn’t hurt to be courteous. “Staying with a friend and his…roommate…housemate…I don’t know. She doesn’t like me much, and I just made things a hell of a lot worse.”

The bartender made a sympathetic face. “Did you sleep with her?”

Hunter’s eyes shot wide open. “No,” he said innocently, as if the thought hadn’t crossed his mind a thousand times.

“Then you’re fine,” the guy shrugged. “I’m Calvin Winsor.”

Winsor, Hunter thought, remembering the name. “You own this bar?”

“Yeah,” he shrugged again. “Listen – you’ve probably still gotta chance with this girl. Go fix it. Eureka’s not a place to make enemies. If you do, you gotta see ‘em around the rest of your life.”

“I’m not from around here,” Hunter repeated.

“But you’re here now, aren’t you?”

And that, Hunter thought, was logic you couldn’t argue with. Logic that had him calling James from the bar.

“You did what?!” James shrieked when Hunter had said all that went down.

“I don’t know man,” he muttered into the phone.

James drew a breath. It was no use being angry now. He would bottle up all of the emotion until he got to face the guy. “You’re at Winsor’s right now?” He asked, already knowing the answer. Calvin was a good friend of James and Anna’s, with how much they both liked to drink.

James looked pleadingly to Kristen; he had just arrived at her place when Hunter called. “Go,” she said, with a small smile.

“You’re amazing,” James stood and gave her a quick peck, before dashing out of the house. Roaring the engine to life, he began driving to Winsor’s Bar. “I’m coming,” he said to his phone. “Don’t you dare move, Hunter.”

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