Chapter Three - Retail Therapy

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My mind is blowing with ideas for this story, and I got really excited, and I just started writing. I don’t know. How is it? Comment and let me know!

And thank you! Someone let me know that it was a bit confusing with the eight-year jump. I wrote in a little ‘Eight years later…’ thing to clear that up! I love you for your constructive criticism. It makes my day!

So, I hope you like it!


Chapter Three: Retail Therapy

“What are you doing today, Anna?” James asked, glancing at her over his paper. He had just finished his coffee and was captivated in a story about crawfish for who-knew-how-long, and was now watching Anna desperately get ready.

“Kristen and I were talking about doing some retail therapy last night,” Anna slipped on a shoe, and headed towards her bathroom. “I totally spaced, and she just called saying she was coming over.”

“Retail therapy? You mean shopping?” He questioned, furrowing an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Anna called back.

“Then why don’t you just call it shopping?”

Anna rolled her eyes; James could be so thick sometimes. She picked out mascara and put it on. “Because it’s retail therapy,” she explained vaguely.

“Why do you need therapy?” James asked, still not understanding the use of the phrase.

“Because of that vegetable sleeping in my room,” she hissed.

He finally made the connection. “Oh! I get it.”

“For a guy of your age, you’re still really slow, Jamie,” Anna walked out of her bathroom to the kitchen, where James was seated at the table.

“Hey! I’m not that old!”

“Not on the inside,” she patted his head, in a playful-condescending voice. He huffed and mumbled something to himself –reassuring words that said he was young, and still in his prime. “What about you? Any plans? A hot date, perhaps?”

“No hot date, sadly,” he snorted. “Jordan invited me for lunch with him and Haley.”

“Lunch? All of a sudden?” Anna asked curiously. Jordan was James’ younger brother who was becoming busier and busier with his fiancé. The wedding was coming up in a few months, and neither Anna, nor James, was looking forward to it.

Morosely, James sighed, and folded up his paper. “I think he’s going to ask me to be his best man.”

“Jamie! That’s great!” Anna cooed, smiling at him. James groaned and promptly smacked his forehead against the table, leaving it there for good measure.

“I don’t want to!” he stomped his foot like a child, and Anna laughed.

“James, are you a little bit sad because your baby brother’s getting married before you?” she teased him.

“No!” he sat up and answered a bit too quickly. “I just think he’s rushing into things. He’s known her how long? Four months? And I don’t like Haley. At all.”

“Suck it up,” she smirked. “I don’t like most of your family, but I’m still going.”

“But Annie,” James whined. “It’s not the same. You’re not going to be in the wedding. You’re just going to be there. It’s different.”

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