Chapter Eighteen - A Man Named Withers

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Chapter Eighteen: A Man Named Withers

“I swear to god, I’ll kill him!”

Anna!” James hissed from beside her as she yelled at the weather man.

“It’s not fair, Jamie!” she threw her head back and groaned. “That idiot keeps saying we’re going to get our snow, but we haven’t! He’s torturing me!”

“It’s not like he can control the weather!” James narrowed his eyes at her as she scoffed disbelievingly. “Anyways, this is good,” he continued. “I was thinking of getting some more lights; we could string ‘em around a few of the trees in the back.”

Anna perked up, forgetting all about how much she wanted to murder the meteorologist. “For the party? James, that’d be great! We could string some up across the deck too – and the party could run later.” Her mind did cartwheels as she thought over it; it was only a couple of weeks off. They still had yet to get the word out, but for the past eight years they’d held it on the same day. No doubt, neighbors would pop by regardless.

“I’m taking your car,” James began to instruct her. “You need to take the truck down to Justin’s and pick up some stuff for me. He’s got it all together.” Walking to the door, James grabbed his keys. “And take Hunter, would you? Okay, thanks,” he added quickly, hoping she wouldn’t protest.

“Take one more step, James Eugene, and I will…” she trailed off thinking on what she could possibly threaten him with.

Humor danced in his voice as he swung the door back open. “You’ll what?” he asked, incredulous.

Anna scowled at his joy. “I’ll have sex with Tyler,” she snapped.

James’ eyes widened in alert, and Anna was satisfied with herself. It wasn’t as if she would actually sleep with Tyler, but she knew it would get James’ attention.

“You will do no such thing!” He barked protectively.

Anna snickered, and James understood her bluff. “I don’t understand why you dislike him so much. He is coming to the party, you know. No questions asked.”

“But Anna!

“Don’t ‘but Anna’ me,” she smirked.

“I didn’t have a problem with him until he groped you,” James thought back on that fateful day spitefully.

“He didn’t grope me, nimrod,” Anna grimaced at him. “He saved me. You should love him. Anyways – I digress. Why do I have to take Hunter?” she whined.

“Come on, Annie,” James sighed. “He doesn’t know anyone here. He needs some friends other than us -,”

“I’m not his friend.”

“-and Justin can do that. With any luck, Hannah will be there too, and there you have it – two new acquaintances.” James pleaded on. “Come on Anna; I don’t want for him to have to mope all day anymore. And especially not when we have the party.”

With a newfound sympathy, Anna sighed. “Fine.”

With that one word, James was out the door and off. Groaning, Anna pulled herself up and off the couch which she’d grown so fond of recently, and in front of Hunter’s usually-closed door. Deciding that if she was to keep on taking him everywhere, she could have her fun, Anna knocked relentlessly on his door.

“What the hell?!” Hunter growled at her when the door swung open. “What’s your problem?!”

Anna grinned despite his frustration. “Well good to see you too, Grumpy. Get dressed,” she looked down at his sweat pants and back up quickly. “We’re going to Justin’s to get some stuff for James.”

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