Chapter Seventeen - A Question of Happiness

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Oh, I’m sorry it’s so short! :(

I really wanted to upload today, though. So at least that’s something?

I don’t have much to say, actually. Except for the usual: enjoy & comment, please! Thank you all!


 PS. Kristen ->

Chapter Seventeen: A Question of Happiness

“Guess what?!” Anna screeched, tumbling into the door with a large portfolio of hers.

“What…?” James drawled, sitting on the couch (freshly showered) and watching the news.

“I finally got all of my supplies today,” she smiled, flopping down next to him. “The kids got to start glazing their clay sculptures today, and I had a bunch of time to paint,” she waved around the portfolio. “Seriously? I love Will right now.”

“What?” She felt James stiffen from beside her.

And Nicole,” she added carefully. “She’s the art teacher from the next township over.”

A broad smile fitted on James’ face as he relaxed. “Well good for you, Annie. I haven’t seen you this happy in a while.”

“Oh, I was pretty happy when we got this beautiful couch,” she pressed her hands over the soft upholstery. “Would you believe I got a good night’s sleep yesterday? I feel great, James! Oh – you know what we should do? We should start putting the lights up!”

He grimaced and nodded. “Yeah, we probably should. I want to get them up before this storm comes in. It’s been wrecking Canada – they’re saying six inches, at least.”

Anna’s eyes lit up. “What are the temperatures? Will the lake freeze over? Are they going to close school? When’s it coming in?!”

“Calm down -,”

“Answers, Jamie! I need answers!” she stopped herself from grabbing his collar and shaking him.

“We’re going to drop down, really quickly, over the next few days,” he explained calmly. “The lake will be fine, but the blizzard is going to stick around. From what I hear,” he nodded towards the television screen, which showed an intense looking weather map. “We’ll be able to start skating by the time the snow’s calmed down.”

She squealed and kicked her feet excitedly. “Oh, this is going to be great! I – oh! Do we need to go shopping before it comes in?”

James grimaced and nodded again. “I’ll get the lights up, and you go down to the market,” he planned.

Anna frowned at him. “You won’t be able to do that by yourself -,”

“Aren’t you so glad that Hunter’s here to help me?” James winked at her.

Scowling, Anna looked around. “Where is that bastard anyways?”

“Don’t call him that,” James hissed. “He’s busy working. Honestly, that guy gets way too much hounding for the season. What, with Cora and all,” he trailed off. “I’m really worried about him, Annie.”

“If she’s bothering him, then I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to produce a spiel for her any time of the day,” Anna smiled proudly, thinking back on Thanksgiving Day. “And he’ll be fine, Jamie. He’s a big boy; he can take care of himself.”

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