My Awesome Uncle and Epic Aunt

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These are the most amazing people I have ever met.

I'll give you three reasons each why.

My aunt Melisa (mil-EE-sah), related through marriage:

1. She has the most beautiful Bosnian accent.

2. She speaks about seven languages (and is teaching me a few words in Bosnian!!) X3

3. *after my explanation of Black Butler* "Yeah, we have to watch that." She loves Black Butler now, and especially Sebastian's hair XD

And my uncle Ben, my mom's brother,

1. He has this super deep laugh, and he laughs a lot :3

2. He's super tall. I can hang on him :3

3. He wants to watch Hetalia! My family, at least in California, is becoming more anime!

The sad thing is they're both unemployed. And living at my grandmom's house. They're both computer whizzes tho, so it shouldn't be to hard to find jobs.

Extra thing for Aunt Melisa, she taught me to animate on the same software Pixar uses! I made a second-long video of colorful shapes moving around! :D

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