Blocktale comic underway and rest of synopsis

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I didn't finish the first one so here my chids:

Alphys is the assistant to Asgore's dad and is Asgore's tutor. She uses the basement of their mansion for her science experiments and mostly keeps to herself wherever she is. Likes anime and fanfiction, secretly runs cameras all over town, barely tries wearing different clothes from day to day. Used to be friends with Bratty and Catty, until they kinda became teenagers, and is good friends with Mettaton, although she's worried that it's going down. She's a couple months older than Undyne. She has somewhat severe anxiety and is terrified of letting anyone down.

And of course, she has huge crush on Undyne (and a minor crush on Asgore).

Mettaton used to live with Napstablook and Mad Dummy before he performed at the school and Alphys convinced her boss's friend to hire him as a teen model/teenage pop idol teenage personality ya'll know what I'm trying to say. Now he's a bit full of himself and needs life to be beautiful (p much same as the game but he also bosses around third graders (Burgerpants and a few other chids) instead of a hotel and the entirety of Hotland). Now lives in a mansion in the same neighborhood as Asgore. Alphys also has a lab in his basement and is there semi-regularly. Mettaton goes to school with the rest of them, he's around the same age as Undyne and Alphys.

Asgore, unlike Mettaton and Frisk, is actually rich (Metta and Frisk are just kinda rich by comparison to everyone else on the block (ok Metta is kind of rich)). His dad is a businessman and isn't around much, so Asgore doesn't have very good social skills. He has an uncontrollable crush on Toriel, but he's not good friends with any of the gang except Alphys (who after meeting Frisk introduces him and he kinda makes friends) (ok that sounds complicated but it'll make sense in the comic). So in summary Asgore is socially awkward 15 year old, likes tea and fluffy things, not particularly smart but he's loveable.

The Snowdin dogs are all workers on Asgore's mansion.

Grillby and Muffet, 15 and 13 respectively, work at a grease trap and a bakery down the road from everyone, both family-owned businesses. Grillby is very chill, pretty poor and enjoys his job, and only kind of talks to Sans. If anyone else is there he won't talk at all. Very studios, but his work comes first. Muffet seems spoiled but is also somewhat poor, making her greedy, and she shares Mettaton's views that she's better than everyone else. She kinda has her own cult following and doesn't really speak to many other people, unless they're at her bakery. I put these two together, because even though Grillby is level-headed and Muff is self-absorbed, they REALLY have a rivalry between their two establishments.

The riverperson is a busdriver. Wee~

Burgerpants, Nice Cream Guy, Bratty and Catty all live around the neighborhood. They all (except NCG) work part-time for Mettaton, and Nice Cream Guy works at an ice cream shop, and writes inspirational things on the spoons. They all kind of act like they do in the game, honestly they're all kind of in the works at this point. They probably won't be super big in the plotline. Should I make them the same age-ish, like young adults, or should I make them chids too?

And finally, the Temmies. No one really knows if they're cats or dogs, they just kind of steal things from the surrounding neighborhoods and reside in an alley, led by their human(?) eight-year old not-quite owner who kind of is... there most of the time. It's speculated she has some sort of mental illness or retardation, because she is a bit of a derp.

And Flowey and Chara? I'm keeping them a secret, but they do work together.

Also, the Blocktale comic is up for those of you who are interested! It's a bit annoying to put up on wattpad, but I already have four pages done, which will be released over the next few days. Production will definitely slow down, but in two weeks school will be over (other than finals) and I'll really work on it again! I'm super excited about this! :D

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