THE Undertale Theory

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This is *hopefully* going to be the only UT theory I put in here before I finish the game, because the internet has pretty munch spoiled everything for me, so I'm not really in a rush to finish the game. The point is forgive me if I get anything wrong.

Frisk and Chara are the same person from parallel timelines. Both sets of parents were killed in terrorist attacks, and grief-stricken, they ran away. The thing that makes them different is the way they dealt with their grief.

In shock, Frisk became mute, and in a desperate attempt to preserve the image of their faces, they keep their eyes closed all the time. They didn't even know what many of the monsters looked like until they got to the surface again, where they had photographs.

They spared everyone because they didn't want anyone to feel loss again.

Chara hated humanity for taking away her parents, the only beings who actually cared about them. They killed everyone because they wanted EVERYONE to experience how they felt.

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