Something about the Earth

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I think I'm going to do this anyway, even though it's a day or two late, just because it's something I've been thinking about.


One day Calcite asked me what it was like to be born so much earlier. I think she was avoiding asking me what it was like to be old. I'm only about 4,700, not even that much older than her. It occurred to me she might have been asking what it was like to live on Earth at the time.

So I started telling her stories about the war, life, the trees, the air, all just because she was interested. How I came to call Red Jade mama, the first time I fused, my pet jaguar, my cave. Her Pearl helped create some of the imagery with her holograms.

She asked me about the Diamonds, and my experience with them.

"I've never encountered any of them personally, but my mom used to work for Yellow. She still has nightmares of her big ugly face." I snicker, but Calcite gives me a dull look. "Not funny?"

"Eh. My Diamond was always better." We sat there for a moment, probably thinking about Yellow Diamond's face. I shuddered. "So story?" she suggested.

"Mol, you ready?" I addressed the Pearl. She nodded and began projecting as I started my tale.

"It was about two hundred seventy years since the full-on war had began, not even two years since I had hatched, when Mama got a call from Yellow Diamond. She was 'on sight' in the middle of a desert with Purple Goldstone, Honey Calcite, and a construction crew." I tried to be as descriptive as possible to give Molly a picture to project. "All you really need to know about what they were doing is it was never going to be finished."

"Anyway, being the important architect gem she is, Mama had a communicator to talk almost directly to Yellow Diamond, which she was told not to use unless something went terribly wrong, but really they didn't expect that. She was only to answer it when she was called. 'Yes my Diamond?' she answered, and saluted, like-" The hologram mimicked the Diamond salute- "like that."

"I know that Ava, I've kind of been doing that my entire life."

"Right," I said, trying not to be embarrassed. "So Yellow wanted to know how the preparations were doing, so Jade led her around the site. After that was when things got crazy. 

"'My Diamond, I'm afraid this operation might harm some of the life here. It's quite remarkable actually, organic life forms from other parts of the planet wouldn't be able to live in this barren an environment, but these long eared creatures-'

"'You have got to be kidding,' Yellow Diamond said. 'You must be the fifth gem today who's complained about harming wildlife- I don't care.' All she wanted was the gem colony, she didn't see the beauty of the Earth like some of the so-called weaker gems did.

"'Have you seen the world for yourself?' she asked. Then Diamond made that face she makes when she thinks someone is questioning her. Diamond said no, why would she-"

Callie interrupted. "If you want to abbreviate a Diamond's name you say the color, not just 'Diamond'."

"Okay, good to know. Anyway, she was getting fed up with Mama, but Mama wasn't quite ready to give up. 'Red Jade, hang up right now, you are already on thin ice,' she warned. 'I can't just take their homes, they have done nothing wrong!' 'They're hampering the progress of Homeworld, as long as you're in charge!' 'If you were here, you would make the same decision!' 'Red Jade, I will have your gem shards between my fingers.' With that, she signed off. It seems kind of childish, she just had to have the last word."

"What happened next?" Callie asked.

"Mama closed the project, and it didn't start back up again, but there were other things that happened in the desert, and all over the Earth. Somewhere on the way back Honey Calcite permanently cracked her gem. And after that, they all came to work for Rose Quartz."

"Pardon my asking, but why do you think Yellow and Red Jade had such different opinions?"

"Well," I started thoughtfully, "what I've started seeing is that most of Rose's army was made of originally Homeworld fighters; very few were born on Earth. I think that something about the Earth has the power to change gems."

"What is it?"

"I don't know. More will be revealed."


Hope you enjoyed water23!

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